Cat Catching Fish Clock
This is an 'ible to do a clock with a cat cataching a fish in a bowl.
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You'll need:
- clock mechanism
- cardboard
- glue
- black paint
- computer & printer or drawing skills
- metal wire (very little)
- felt tip
- punch
- scissors
- pliers
- something circular or a pin and some thread to use as a big compass
Glue the white cardboard on a thicker cardboard.
Draw a circle on it: pay attention to let it open on the top and to make it flat on the bottom.
You can draw the circle using something circular, but this way you want have the center and you have to search it. I used a compass, but you can do a simple compass using a pin (the center of the circle) and a pieace of thread.
Cut the Bowl
Draw the outline of the bowl with a black felt tip and then cut it.
Draw the cat silhouette. The cat should have the rear paws on the bowl and one of the front paws outstretched in the bowl. You can copy the silhouette from this 'ible or draw one by yourself.
Colour the Cat
Coulor the cat a you want. I did it black, but if you want to can make it as you want.
Cat On
Glue the cat over thw bowl.
If you want, draw the numbers and the bubbles. Pay attention where the cat's paw is.
Print or draw a fish on orange paper or colour it with the colour you want.
Dangling Fish
With the punch make a little hole in the dorsal fin of the fish and in the minute hand. Thread the metal wire through the hand andthe fish. The fish should dangle quiet free for the hand. This way it will be always straight as the hand rotates.
Make a hole in the center of the circle and aAssemble the clock.
And here you have your clock with a cat trying to catch a fish in the bowl! Enya (my cat) approves!