Cheap IPhone Charging Holder
This is a holder for your phone, camera or any device that has a long cord and it cost nearly nothing if you have the soap already. My problem was losing my charger everytime I unplugged it to save power. It would end up on the floor or in the clothes basket. It is a used dish soap container (cleaned out) that I cut with scissors and an exacto knife. After cutting the desired shape I used Pasti-dip to coat the plastic. I found the design on the internet but it was missing the hole in the middle to screw it to the face plate. This is the only way to keep it against the wall and not have the charger plugged in. It works best with a newer, smaller charger but in the pictures you can see I used an old, larger one and it works as well.
Inspiration for the instructable
lotion bottle hack
Inspiration for the instructable
lotion bottle hack