Chisel Restoration
I bought a bunch of Stanley 1001 chisels for £1 about $2 and they were in rough shape so with no chemicals I set out to restore them to a usable and a sharp ! condition.
Scraping Rust Off
I used one chisel to rub of paint and rust.
Wire wool and a foam sanding pad worked well to clean it up.
I found that a flap sander worked ood as it took the rust off quicker.
Tuning the Hone
The chisels had been used for scraping and opening things I bet and there was a few nicks on the chisel which I cleaned up on the bench grinder.
I used some wet/dry sandpaper on a low -high grit to clean the round part near the handle as this was also quite rusty.
I used an oil stone to sharpen the chisels.
I check that they were square.
Finished Result
they turned out great they are nice and sharp.
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