Coffee Machine Watertank Hack
So I bought myself this new coffeemachine (Tschibo Cafissimo). Everything good, but it has this tiny, small, little watertank, which is not so easy to take out because it sort of snaps into place and has a stupid angle for doing that. If you drink more than two small cups of espresso you will have to fill the watertank again.
This wont do. I drink a lot of coffee and wont be bothered by filling the tank every few minutes.
So I made this little hack (sorry at this stage I didnt take any pictures). Its actually really simple: two holes, a connecting rubber pipe and one of those watertanks airtight. So that the tank doesnt overflow (in german we say: communicating vessels, dont know if that also works in english).
Works really nice!
I tested it for some time until one night I thought: descaling!
No biggie.
Another hole, a rubber thing that is a bottle cork and some sugru.
Always remember if you drill holes on slippery surface use some tape to 1) mark the place and to 2) keep the boring bit from slipping.
Then start with your smallest drill bit and work upwards.
In the end I also used some of my files to make the hole the right size.
Here is the endresult.
Not beautiful but works really well.
As you can see the water level has risen to the top on the second tank, but that doesnt matter, as it is water tight thanks to Sugru.