Collage Clock
I decided to personalize and modify an antique clock that I found in my house. As a result, I designed a collage clock that one can customize in any way for this contest! All of the supplies I used during the process were found in my own home.
- Antique/old clock
- Cardboard
- Disused music book
- Mod podge
- New clock parts (motor, hex nut, hands, etc.)
I started by cutting a circle with the exact dimensions of the antique clock for the collage. Afterward, I cut a small hole in the middle for the clock parts to fit later on.
I then flipped through my disused music book and selected images I wished to include in my collage. After cutting them out to their desired proportions, I arranged them on the piece of cardboard I cut out earlier.
To make sure the pictures were secure, I applied three layers of mod podge. I glue them to their arrangements for the first layer and let them dry completely. Once they dried, I carefully snipped the excess paper off, making sure not to cut the cardboard. For the second and third, I applied a generous layer, coating the entire collage.
After giving the collage plenty of time to dry, it was time to assemble the clock itself. Considering how old the clock was, I bought new and sturdier clock hands that would match the collage and as well as a clock motor. To pass the drying time of the collage, I also painted the border of the antique clock.
And done! Thank you for reading.