Colorful Cloud Night Light
A night light that looks like a cloud, it emits a lot of colors. Also, glowing in the day and night looks different.
1. One Solderless breadboard x1
2. Micro USB Adapter cable x1
3. short iron wire X10
4. Long iron wire X9
5. super long iron wire X9
6. Resistance X9
7. LED light balls X9
(Blue x2, red X2, green X3, white x1, orange x1( Colors up to you) )
8. 19.5 length/ 13 width boards x2
9. 19.5 length/ 6 width boards x2
10. 14.5 length/ 6 width boards x2
11. Ruler x1
12. Glue x1
13. Tape x1
14. White paint x1
15. Paintbrush x1
16. Cotten x1
17. Knief x1
Steps (Inside) (on the Breadboard)
Prepare all inside materials
1. Tape your 9 LED light balls with your super long iron wire.
2. Use a short iron wire and place one head on either negative line. And place the other head to GND.
3. Use other short iron wire and place one side of the head to the negative line. And place another head to any blank places under the negative line.
4. Then place a resistance beside the short iron wire which is on the blank place.
5. And use a long iron wire and place it in front of the resistance, and the other head connects to 2. And so on has been received to 10.
6. Last, use a super long iron wire and place it under the short iron wire and the resistance, remember, the long leg of the LEd light must be on the right.
7. And this is how to make a LED light. Continued of nine-time, than You can make nine LED light balls light.
8. Use the Micro USB Adapter cable to connect your breadboard to your code. See if it works.
If it works, it looks like this:
Steps (Outside)
Prepare all outside materials and your breadboard
1. Cut out two 19.5 lengths/ 13 width boards, two 19.5 lengths/ 6 width boards, and two 14.5 lengths/ 6 width boards to make a box for placing your breadboard, but don’t tape them together so fast, make marks for the place you want to put your light balls, and drill holes. Paint them with white paint.
2. Take one 14.5 lengths/ 6 width board and cut a hole on the left corner, to place your Micro USB Adapter cable.
3. Insert all your light balls into the holes.
4. Place glue all over the box.
5. Stick the cotton on the box, and shape it to a cloud shape with your hands.