Cool Freeze Foil Box
Always wanted to freeze a layer of liquid? Now with the Cool Freeze Foil Box you can. It is all made out of aluminum foil and can easily be made. This box is not high tech at all but it has a useful feature, the ability to suspend ice above the liquid to be frozen. It is not entirely the fastest way to freeze a liquid but is faster than just putting a liquid in a freezer. It will not completely freeze the sides of the liquid as it is made from aluminum.
Materials Needed
Foil Box materials
1 roll - Aluminum foil
1 roll - Tape 3/4
1- foil box blueprint
Foil Box Top
8 - ice cubes
2 tbs. - salt
1 oz. - water
Inside of Foil Box
2 oz. - Any liquid
1 roll - Aluminum foil
1 roll - Tape 3/4
1- foil box blueprint
Foil Box Top
8 - ice cubes
2 tbs. - salt
1 oz. - water
Inside of Foil Box
2 oz. - Any liquid
Make Foil Strips
The first thing we need to get started is 3 foil strips. Download and print foilbox.pdf. Use the second page that looks like a rectangle with a line through it. Use the smaller width of the rectangle as a measure for the width of the foil strip that is to be made. The strip dimensions should be about 7 in. in width and a roll length. Each foil strip will make a complete foil box.
Split Foil Strip in Half
Take a foil strip and fold it length wise. This means fold the strip taco wise and not burrito wise. Use a straight edge to split apart the foil strip. Repeat this step until all of the foil strips are split in half.
Fourth It Both Ways
The best way to fold the box is to always fold lengthwise first. Take the long length of the strip and fold it in half. Unfold the strip. Now take the edge of the lengthwise strip and fold it to the middle of the strip. Fold the other side to the middle as well. Now turn the foil 90 degrees. Fold the edge to the middle and fold the opposite side to the middle as well.
Fold the Corners
Unfold the most recent folded edge. Fold the corner to the fold line made from the previous step. Do this step until all corners are folded.
Fold Into a Box
Turn the foil piece so that the width side faces you. Notice that the foil piece is divided into 16 smaller rectangles. 4 rows and 4 columns. Fold the corner rectangle on the angled line. This will make a corner to the box. Now fold each corner rectangle with the fold excess pointing inwards until you have a box. Do this for three of the six foil pieces. This will make three identical boxes.
Watch the Video
This video will show how to make the top of the foil box.
Shrink the Left Over Foil Pieces to the Top Piece Size.
If you have a roll of 3/4 in. tape now is a good time to use it. Tape two adjacent sides with the tape barely touching the edge and parallel to the foil piece. Make a notch at the edge of the tape. Turn foil piece over so that the tape can not be seen. Pull the piece of foil where the tape is on the other side. You should be able to make a clean tear from the tape. The new piece of foil should be 3/4 in. shorter width and length wise. The video is the full steps to make the box top.
Forth It Both Ways
The best way to fold the box top is to always fold lengthwise first. Take the long length of the foil piece and fold it in half. Unfold the foil piece. Now take the edge of the lengthwise foil piece and fold it to the middle of the strip. Fold the other side to the middle as well. Now turn the foil 90 degrees. Fold the edge to the middle and fold the opposite side to the middle as well. This step is the same as step four except with the shorter foil piece.
Fold the Edge to the Fourth Line.
From the previous step four rows and columns were made. Take the edge column and fold it in half. Take the edge row and fold it in half. Repeat until each edge has been folded. Unfold foil piece.
Fold the Corners
Make corner folds just like in step 5. Except this time there will be more fold lines.
Strip Away Some Foil
Of all the steps this one is the hardest one. Take a look at the first page of foilbox.pdf. The groves in the rectangle is what will be striped away. Place a piece of tape on the corner triangle and match the edge to the lengthwise fold line. Do this to all four triangle corners. Turn the foil piece over so that the tape does not show. Peel away the tape and the foil attached to the tape. When you get to the triangle fold line place the fold line on a straight edge. Pull tape down so that the foil is split on the line. Now the foil piece should match the first page of the foilbox.pdf.
Fold Into a Box
Turn the foil piece so that the width side faces you. Notice that the foil piece is divided into 16 smaller rectangles (ignore the smaller edge rectangles). 4 rows and 4 columns. Fold the corner rectangle on the angled line. This will make a corner to the box. Now fold each corner rectangle with the fold excess pointing inwards until you have a box. Do this for three of the six foil pieces. This will make three identical box tops.
Fill the Box With 2 Oz. Liquid
Fill the box with 2 oz. of liquid. Aside fill the top with 1 oz. water. Add 2 tbs. of salt to the top. Place top onto the box. Add 2 - 4 pieces of ice cubes onto the top. Place in freezer for maximum performance. Freezing may take place from 15 - 45 minutes.