The main hero of any Western is a cowboy. And the main place in any Western is a saloon. And the main thing in any saloon is a bottle of … something hot. And the main part of each bottle is a cork. Such a long way from a cowboy to a cork. Let's try to make it closer.
Tools and Materials
- drill (D 3 mm)
- drill holder
- scissors
- brush wide (5 mm)
- brush narrow (2 mm)
- thin rasp (needle file)
- office knife
- awl
- ruler
- dividers
- pencil
- screw driver
- large cork (champagne) , 4 items
- middle cork (wine), 2 items
- middle cork short (wine), 2 items
- beer cap, 2 items
- bamboo sticks, 2 items
- screw (3х10 mm), 2 items
- cardboard plate (100x100 mm, thickness 2 mm)
- acrylic paints (brown, red, blue, white, black)
- PVA glue
Preparation of Pin Connectors
Cutting of bamboo sticks: 7 items - 20..25 mm length, 1 item - 40..45 mm length.
Drilling Holes in Parts
Cork is a rather easy material for cutting. So you can use standard drill (D 3 mm) and any hand holder to fix drill and turning it by your fingers. I have used standard brace holder, e.g. It has convenient surface with a notches. Depth of holes is about 10..15 mm.
Alignment of Soles
Cut rounded side of two large corks for a shoes (beer caps) mounting.
Preparation of Shoes
Make holes at the center of each beer cap using awl (BE CAREFUL! - use wooden base). Increase the holes diameter using drill (D 3 mm).
Hat Preparation
First - cut a hat (fields) from a cardboard circle (diameter 90 mm) with a central hole (diameter 22 mm). Next - bend the fields using any cylindrical object (bottle;), i.g.
Painting of the Shirt
Painting at last... We begin from the shirt. Make a white grille on the all necessary parts (thorax, arms, hands, belly). Then paint a red cells (a huge work, I recommend to find a helper ;-).
Painting of the Head and Hands
If you have no appropriate color (pink) mix it using white and red one.
Painting of the Trousers
Use blue color to paint three items (pelvic and two legs).
Painting of the Boots
Use brown color to paint four items (two legs (bottom side) and two shoe soles-beer caps (outside only)).
Painting of the Hat
Use brown color to paint two items (fields of hat and head (top side only)).
Painting of the Face
I am not a professional artist. So a painting of the face is a incredibly difficult work for me but I found suitable solution. The sequence is: 1) find appropriate photo and open it in your favorite graphic editor (I use free PaintNET); 2) simplify photo using special effect ('Oil Painting' in PaintNET or similar in another software); 3) draw sketch according the simplified photo and use it in your model.
Assembly sequence is not difficult (see images and animations) and you practically don't need any glue (if you use bamboo sticks and D 3 mm holes). Only one delicate moment - to connect fields of the hat and the head part you need to make small cuts around the hole on a fields part. I recommend to use a few bits of glue between the fields of the hat and the head after their connection.
Fine, Signori!
Our hero is ready.
If you are not a Western fan you can paint this doll in another style - according to your favorite personage.