Creating the Keyterpiller
The Keyterpiller is the result of me doing nothing all weekend and at the last second realising i'll have wasted my weekend if i dont make something soon. A quick instructables search for Keyboards, something i had lying around at the time, turned up nothing. Realising i had to think for myself i curled up in the corner and died. JUST KIDDING, could you imagine if i was like that.
P.S. sorry for the bad pictures my camera decided against macro.
P.S. sorry for the bad pictures my camera decided against macro.
This has fairly simple materials
Tools: Hot glue gun
Soldering iron (optional)
Materials: Keyboard Keys
Wire (coat hanger=too thick, LED leg=too thin)
2 1.5v button cells (if making glowing one)
LED's (if making glowing one)
Preparing the Keys
This is fairly easy. I just used a pair of needle nose pliers to break the insides of the key and then twisted them off and out.
Create Its Spine
I used a soldering iron to burn holes in each end of the keys to thread the wire through but a drill is most suitable. Simply thread the wire through, bend it towards the bottom and hot-glue it in place
I just masking taped the two batteries together and put a small rubber band around it but if you have a battery snap then good for you.
In its head i twisted the negative leads together and the positive leads went to each side (they're the sticking out things) and were soldered to a small piece of speaker wire. These were soldered to the battery wires respectively.
In its head i twisted the negative leads together and the positive leads went to each side (they're the sticking out things) and were soldered to a small piece of speaker wire. These were soldered to the battery wires respectively.
Bend to Shape
Bend into a caterpiller walk type shape =)