Crochainmaille is a combination of crochet and chainmaille.
Can be used for either decorative or thermal applications.
This instructable shows a simple euro 4 in 1 chain / single stitch crochet.
Stuff Needed
3/8 inch jump rings
5 mm crochet hook
Using pliers(or whatever you're comfortable with) start off with a strip euro 4 in 1 chainmaille weave using the 3/8 inch jump rings.
Loop your yarn on the hook and feed the yarn through the center links of the chainmaille.
Single stitch with the yarn and poke the hook again through the center link and repeat as many times as necessary.
Multiply If You Want
This is still just the simple euro 4/1 chain but I added other colors just by weaving the other links..
the yellow looks different to show what it looks like on the inside of the bracelet and also shows the thermal application and how it elevates it off the skin.
Other possibilities it might act like a Faraday cage if made into a satchel or wallet.. preventing R/f i.d. "sniffing" of credit cards (haven't made one yet so it's theoretical)..
Plus if made into a satchel might act like a shield against slashing or with the added weight give someone a good bonk if flung.
Variants :Armor-gurumi
This is a variation of the crochainmaille.."Armorgurumi " a play on words of amigurumi..
This Armorgurumi Clam was made with 4 in 1 "in the round" chainmaille weaved with blue and green yarn working from the outside in.
It's heavy and can make for a wicked hacky sack as well