Cuppun! - Paper Cup Doll
"Cuppun!" is a really simple paper cup doll. everyone including children can make it really easily.
Let's make your own Cuppun! and displaying on your desk!!
For making "Cuppun!" , please prepare those materials and tools below.
- a papaer cup
- a clored origami paper
- 40cm wool
- 4 pom-poms
- scissors
- glue
Cutting Out Eyes & Mouth
Draw the outline of eyes and mouth on a colored origami paper.
Then cut out along the lines from the origami.
Then cut out along the lines from the origami.
Making Face
Paste the eyes and mouth onto a paper cup.
Putting Hands & Legs
Make holes for passing each peace of wool through the paper cup.
Then passing wool through corresponding holes.
Then passing wool through corresponding holes.
Fixing Hands & Legs
Make knots for each peace of wool.
Glue pon-pons on the end of wool parts.
Glue pon-pons on the end of wool parts.