DIY Android Home Automation Box

by ASCAS in Circuits > Arduino

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DIY Android Home Automation Box


Here's a little show and tell of my Android controlled home automation box. It's a small extension box that's controlled by an Android smartphone. You can turn the individual outlets on by tapping a button from the app or use the speech recognition app, found from my previous tutorial. I've teamed up with my friends and built a custom app for out home automation prototype project. My former classmate/ fellow ible member "treyes4" built something similar.


It's just a prototype so don't expect much from this version. I assure that next version would be explained more thoroughly.


I'll be gone for a while: I'll be posting a video once I get back from the international trade and business competition hosted by FedEx (school related). I posted this guide early, since the home automation contest deadline is due today. There's a lot of unexplained areas in this guide, without the prior knowledge, this project would be difficult to execute. Just ask questions below, I'll answer them through my phone. Once I get back, I'll edit and update this guide. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Bill of Materials


If your having trouble in finding them, I'm sure RadioShack has all of them. If you want to buy online try searching on Amazon or DealExtreme.

Thing that you'll need:

- Android Phone & App

- Arduino UNO (a clone works fine)

- Low Power/ Switching Power Supply

- Dot Matrix Solderless Breadboard

- HC-05 Serial Bluetooth Module

- 2N3904 NPN Transistor (5x)

- 2.2k Ohm Resistor 1/4 (5x)

- 6V Relays (5x)

- Jumper Cables

Find a Good Enclosure


I bought my enclosure from Alexan, a local electronics/ hobby store. This project is a prototype, the perfect enclosure would be an enclosure big enough to house an Arduino prototyping board and a small switching-PSU.

Glue the Sockets Together


Align the outlets then use superglue to hold them temporarily. Hot glue can be used to strengthen the bond. After gluing, start to link a common rail. The linked rail work's like a common ground although this is AC ~ so it's not.

Align & Measure the Sockets


Align the AC sockets together then acquire the dimensions of the array of sockets.

Transfer the Measurements


Transfer your measurements by using a marker and ruler.

Grind and Drill the Enclosure


Use your hacksaw or rotary tool to cut off the plastic that you've marked. Use a metal file to even out the edges.

Construct the Relay Circuit


I constructed my DIY relay circuit. Obviously this is a complete prototype, I used a perfboard for mounting my components on. This is dangerous, exposed AC line can cause death through electrocution. Before attempting this project, be sure you're qualified to execute the task. My next version in the future would probably include solid state relays mounted on a custom PCB.

Wire the PSU


The PSU will serve as your Relay and Arduino's power supply. I bought mine from ebay.

Specs: 12v (1 Amp)

Upload the Sketch


/*Paste this on your Arduino's IDE

The BlackBox Arduino Author: Thomas Niccolo Filamor Reyes */ #include

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // RX, TX

//these ladies shorten the script #define printer Serial.println #define reader

//fullString from android app //c is for the reader char fString [5], c;

//digital pins, uint8_t/unsigned char //to save memory of 8 bits/1 byte //normally I'd use an int (16 bit/2 byte), //but it limits value from 0 to 255 //no negative values unsigned char digital[5] = {8,9,10,11,12};

//*index of recorded character array uint8_t v = 0;

void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); mySerial.begin(9600); //scroll through all digital pins listed as output for(uint8_t i=0;i<5;i++) pinMode(digital[i], OUTPUT); } void loop(){ //*index of recorded character array v = 0; //incoming bytes while(mySerial.available()){ //give her some time to recieve delay(10); c = reader(); //stop filling the chararray if # is encountered or // it goes beyond index 4 (5th value) if (c == '~' || v > 4)break; fString[v] = c; //increments index v++; } //if the index is greater than 0... if(v > 1){ printer(fString); //scroll through them for(int i =0; i<5; i++){ //I wish I could use bits instead here... efficiency if(fString[i]=='0') digitalWrite(digital[i], LOW); else digitalWrite(digital[i], HIGH); } } }

Install the App

Build & Install the Bluetooth Module


Connect the RX to pin #2 and the TX to pin#3

Install the Arduino


Wire the Arduino to the other parts

Screw the Cover Back on - Enjoy!


Your done, enjoy!