DIY Audio Switch (HiFi)
I've made an HiFi Audio Switch by myself. I've created the Alu-Plates with a CAD-Software and they where produced by a CNC-Company. I have assembled everything at home.
I haven't gone the cheap way, it was the way with best Quality of optical and technical Specs. There was nothing to buy with this Quality.
I have done ist because i had Loudspeakers from Nubert with a ATM Tuning-Module which must be connected between the Signal and the Amplifier and my Amplifier had no PreOut and MainIn.
The Building of the Switch in Pictures.
Pictures are telling more than 1.000 words.
Switch Is Selled a Few Month Ago.
Now i have selled the Switch, i bought a new Amplifier and build in a MainOut which wasn't there from Factory.