DIY Beado Bowl
We have leftover beados, so we made these sweet bowls out of the beads. These are very easy to make, but you’ll need a lot of patience to get the beads to stick together while you are creating the bowls.
What you need:
A lid or cup
Wooden skewer
Clear hobby glue
Water spray
- First, cover the lid with water.
- Add the beados. I started with one yellow bead and placed the other beads around it. Spray on some water to make the beads stick together.
- Add the second color and place it on the outside of the yellow beads. Spray more water on the beads so they will stick together.
- Add the white beads around the yellow beads. Continue this process until you have made a bowl shape.
- Spray water all over the beads and push them together with a wooden skewer if any of the beads don’t stick properly.
- Allow to dry overnight. I added some clear craft glue to make the bowl more stable, as the beads are quite flexible.
- Leave until the bowl has dried.
- Remove bowl from the lid.
My daughter is using the bowls to hold her jewelry and odds and ends, but you could just display them because they look so pretty.