DIY Detox Bath
For my full post including detox bath benefits, modifications & tips click HERE
Onto the good stuff...
2 cups Epsom Salt (draws out toxins while you are bathing, helps with the circulatory system and improves nerve function)
1 cup Baking Soda ( neutralizes the chlorine in tap water)
(Optional) 2 Ginger Tea Bags or 2 Ginger caps (it’s a way to get the body to sweat a lot more and get an extra amount of toxins out, similar to taking a sauna )
(Optional) 15 drops Essential Oil (the scent will sooth your cares away-I use lavender)
-Fill the tub with really warm water. Since part of the detox has to do with sweating out the toxins you want this really warm, but don’t scald yourself by any means.
-Pour all the ingredients listed above in the tub. The ingredients I always include are the epsom salt, baking soda & essential oil. If you have Ginger, great…it will help you sweat it out. If not, it’s ok. Speaking of ginger, the easiest way for me to add it is through ginger tea bags or I empty out 2 ginger capsules into the water.
-Soak for 20-40 minutes. You need to soak at least 20 to get the full effect but the longer you soak the more you’ll sweat out & absorb the minerals so I usually do about 30 mins on average.
Onto the good stuff...
2 cups Epsom Salt (draws out toxins while you are bathing, helps with the circulatory system and improves nerve function)
1 cup Baking Soda ( neutralizes the chlorine in tap water)
(Optional) 2 Ginger Tea Bags or 2 Ginger caps (it’s a way to get the body to sweat a lot more and get an extra amount of toxins out, similar to taking a sauna )
(Optional) 15 drops Essential Oil (the scent will sooth your cares away-I use lavender)
-Fill the tub with really warm water. Since part of the detox has to do with sweating out the toxins you want this really warm, but don’t scald yourself by any means.
-Pour all the ingredients listed above in the tub. The ingredients I always include are the epsom salt, baking soda & essential oil. If you have Ginger, great…it will help you sweat it out. If not, it’s ok. Speaking of ginger, the easiest way for me to add it is through ginger tea bags or I empty out 2 ginger capsules into the water.
-Soak for 20-40 minutes. You need to soak at least 20 to get the full effect but the longer you soak the more you’ll sweat out & absorb the minerals so I usually do about 30 mins on average.