DIY Geometric Room Decor
This is an awesome and insanely easy piece of DIY room decor! I hope you like it! This is a remix inspired by Mia Stammer:
Gather Supplies
What you need: Large Stick, Scissors, Ruler, Pen, Scrapbook Paper, String, Hot Glue/Tape
So first, cut about 4-5 strands of 43 inch string. Then loop about 5 inches of the string over the stick and either tie, glue, or tape. Space these strands 9 1/2 inches apart.
Now cut about 15-18 triangles from your scrapbooking paper (about 2-3 different colors is good) and arrange them onto your string.
Now tape or glue on your triangles to your strings. Then flip it over.
Now that you have flipped over your art you can hang it up!