DIY Minecraft Lamp
In this instructable, I'm gonna show you how to build your very own Real Life Diamond Ore lamp! A friend of mine is a professional Minecraft Player. So I've decided to make this one for his birthday.
I've decided to make this lamp as awesome as possible. So my material of choice was 3/4" glass tiles.
To lay down the mosaic pattern in the desired shape I've used a sheet of adhesive vinyl film.
I've printed out the diamond ore texture and marked the colors from A to G. The pattern is made from a combination of 8 colors. 4 grey and 4 blue. Each side of the cube (16x16 pixels) contains 256 pixels.
Box Assembly
Ok here is the tricky part, the box. My material of choice here is a transparent plexiglass. To figure out the approximate dimensions of my cube, I've measured the mosaic patterns I made before. I've cut and glued the 4 sides of the cube in an overlapping pattern (see the illustration).
The top has to be slightly bigger, to cover up the sides.
Glueing the Tiles
To glue the tile sheets on top of the box I've used the Weldbond Glue. It's perfect for mosaic application and dries transparent. I pre sanded the plexiglass to ensure the stronger bond.
Note: Apply strips of aluminum tape on the outside edges of the cube before gluing the tiles. It will prevent light leaking from the edges of the plexiglass.
Inside Part of the Box
I've used an aluminum tape to mask out the glowing pixels of the cube from inside.
Lamp Socket and the Bottom Part
The bottom side of the cube is smaller than the top to feat inside the cube. It rested on 4 wooden blocks I've glued inside the cube. (See the illustration)
Final Result!
Looks gorgeous! Isn't it?
With all that tiles on, it's quite heavy and sturdy. It weighs about 8 kilos. So prepare for some serious workout next time you mine diamonds. =)
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