DIY Mini Cannon
As Im a Fan of Clash of clans Im mesmerized by the weapons in it...And the intial weapon in CoC is Cannon.
So I wanted to make one..So in this instructable Im gonna make a Diy Cannon with House hold stuffs lying around.
Things Needed
Foil Paper
Binary clip
Making the Tube
- Take a Foil paper which is Approximately a measure of 5*8 cm...The larger the better
- Now take a tube about 3.5 cm.
- Now using the tube wrap the foil on the tube to get a cylinder..
- Now remove the tube from inside
- You will now have a aluminium foil cylinder.
Inserting Into Spring
- Pinch tthe bottom of cylinder to make it closed
- Now take the spring
- And put the cylinder into i slowly
- The spring acts like a protection
Base or Support
- Take a Binary clip and fold the two legs upwards
- Now put a rubberband around it so that it will not slip
- Now take the cannon 's cylinder and slip it between the 2 legs of the clip.
- Your cannon is ready in Physical!!!
Fuel (Explosive ;)
Take matchsticks and remove its top thats the chemical using scissors or other tools
Final Cut
Now fill the tube with the match stick heads..
you will need a lot of it.....
Now put a small bead ot other thing which u need to be fired.
Now heat the bottom using lighter for a while..
You will see the bead flying through the air....
Thanks For Looking into my instructable.