DIY Wild Vine on Dead Tree.
Tree stick ,wood cutter,solution tape ,super glue,aluminium wire,color ,glue gun ,air dry modeling clay ,pot,dry vines,floral foam,scissor
Tree Stick Cutting & Wire Setting on Stick
- Chose some tree stick.
- Cut sticks and fixed like tree branch shape.
- Take aluminium wire & over lap on stick like vine shape with the help of bull-nose pliers.
Flower & Leaf Cutting and Making
- Color on aluminium wire.
- Take solution tape and cut few flowers ,and leaves.
- Use glue to shape the leaves.
- Now color the flowers and leaves .
Fixing of Leaves and Dry Vine
- Take leaves to fix on tree with glue
- Take few dry vine and fix these on tree with glue.
Tree Fixing in Pot
- Fix tree in pot with the help of glue .
- to hold the tree use air dry modeling clay.
- After fixing the tree take some floral foam and spread on clay to real look.
- Now the tree is properly fixed in clay.
Final Look
- Take flowers to fix on vine.
- Now the DIY wild vine on dead tree is ready .
- Final pics.