DIY Fan Powered Boat
In this tutorial i will be showing you how to make a simple electric boat that uses a cpu fan in order to move. the video features a Time Lapse of building the boat. in real time, it took me about 15 minutes. the boat is super fan for small kids and safe to use. please contact me for any question you might have.
Making the Body
Take a milk cartoon and cut it in half.
then, make a cabin out of the other half as shown is the video.
attach the cabin to the main body using a staple\ hot glue.
The circuit of this project is very simple. solder a 9V battery adapter to the CPU fan. Notice that your Cpu fan might have an additional yellow wire. If you do have one like this, simply ignore. A switch is optional.
The last step is to attach the Cpu fan to the back of the boat using some hot glue. It is important to pay attention to the air flow direction of the fan: you want the fan to push the boat forward, not to pull it backwards.
Your'e Done !
all you have to do know is to fill up the bath and you are good to go !
if you like this project, you may like some of my others. please check them in my channel: