DIY Filter for Small Lake

by rarroso in Living > Pets

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DIY Filter for Small Lake

This is an efficient homemade filter made it after reading and analyzing information. It has mechanical and biological filtration all in one. Pump will be needed. Maximum time to make(If you have all materials): 30 minutes

Cost: Maximum $ 60 (5 Dlls)


All the material you need are:

1 right-angled plastic recipe
2.5 metters of poliflex or electric corrugated hose; cut it 2cm pieces
2 scouring pads
1 round-trip plastic recipe (called pre-filter)
2 3/4" plastic water hose connections with their screw
1 ball mesh or someting like that
1 brick
Tools: Xacto knife, marker, scissors.

Holes to Right-angled Plastic Recipe

We need to make 2 holes: 1 to water entrance and 1 to water output direct o pump. Use the marker and put the hose thread into the plastic recipe, mark it and cut it.

In my specific situation i make the water entrance in the "small" side and the output in the "large" side because de lake and stuff disposition.

You can make it in whatever position but considering that we need water crossing all the filter materials in specific order.

Placing Hose

We are going to set both hose into plastic recipe using hose and screw. In my case i need to cut the screw a little because it was to large.

I cut the head of one hose in order to set circle-rounded plastic recipe.

Preparing Pre-filter

Now we ned to prepare our circle-rounded plastic recipe to work as pre-filter. Why pre-filter? I read that this device helps prevent that large particles or trash enter to our main filter.

We going to make a hole like we did using marker and hose but in the lower part like the picture shows and make some holes to te cover just the enough to use half of te cover. Put a piece of ball mesh or someting like that inside the recipe and close it

Making this we force water to cross the mesh inside pre-filter and after that to our filter.

Cutting Brick

It´s time to cut our brick to prepare biological filtering material. We just use half the brick in small pieces as shown. Wash it well.

Creating the Filter

Time to put together all the materials but whit and specific order:

1.- scouring pads
2.- poliflex or electric corrugated hose or pieces of brick
3.- pieces of brick or poliflex or electric corrugated hose.

2 and 3 materials can change order but considering that the first material should be scouring pads

We need put poliflex in small pice of mesh like a bag of poliflex like picture shows. Attach our pre-filter


Finally we conect the last plastic water hose connection to our pump with a small piece of hose and ready to work.

Specialists recomends review the filter each week and clean when needed just using water and a brush if necessary.
