DIY Small Doll
To day we are going to make a small fab doll!:D
What You Need
For this creation you will need:
A sewing machine or a sewing kit
An old t-shirt and old trousers(fabric)
Laundry pen
Cotten wool
So first you will need to draw a template like the one above. Any size will do as long as it fits on an A4 sheet of paper. And cut out.
Cutting the Fabric
Ok so now you have made the template you are going to cut from the bottom of a trousers so that you get two of the same peaces(DON'T FORGET TO PIN THE TEMPLATE DOWN!!) Now cut a shape that can fit in the the ovule but not to fill it with the other fabric.
Sewing on the Face
So what to do is pin down the the shape to one of the big peaces and sew it on using the machine.
Sewing the Body
Now turn your fabric in side out and pin together. Now sew around the out side but leave a gap for stuffing the doll!
Now fill your doll with cotton wool but leave enough to sew the hole up!!!
Finishing the Sewing
Now sew the hole up really close to the cotton wool and cut away any exes.
Finishing All Together
You can now add some face detail for the face and hearts or some thing like that by using the pen. Don't forget make it you own!!!!