De Dierenvertaalmachine
Our project started with a brainstorm with 12 year old kids. We asked them to draw their dream machine.
Out of all the drawings we chose a top 3 and out of that top 3 our teachers chose a winner.
The winner was Lennert who invented the animal translator. This machine would make it possible to translate the noise of your pet to human language.
Of course this isn't possible in real life, so we made a 'machine' that gives the impression of translation.
c.2007 All
ideas, concepts, drawings, pictures, videos, documents, posters, comments, mock-up scale models, prototypes and machines that are developed in the context of MyMachine are the property of MyMachine vzw.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from MyMachine vzw is strictly prohibited. MyMachine vzw is a social profit organization that fosters creativity, entrepreneurship, open education and STEM in education.
Front Wall
We started with an MDF board of 120 to 60 cm. Out of this board we cutted 1 circle with a diameter of approximately 24 cm, 3 squared of 25 to 25 cm and a little rectangle of 10 to 5 cm.
At the back we attached triangles so the board can stand on its own.
Also we attached rectangle blocks where we will connect the wheels.
This part will make the 'translation' happen.
We started by making a cylinder.
Therefor we used a PVC pipe with a diameter of 10 cm.
We closed the open sides with 2 wooden plates.
The 'translation' of the animal is written on a piece of paper that is glued on the pipe.
For automatically turning this part we worked with the little box used for a childerens beyblade.
There was one screw, this screw we loosened a bit so the cylinder would turn better.
This makes it possible for choosing a random sentence on the paper.
We made this happen by making 2 curves in one of the wooden plates.
The beyblade box is fixed in a wooden plate/box and this wooden plate/box is placed on a triangle.
These so-called wheels are the parts that will be used as a puzzle.
We made this out of MDF and by using a lasercutter. After that we glued the parts on to each other so we get wheels. The attachement of these wheels is made by using an aluminium spindle.
On the first wheel we get the fur/skin of the animal, the second represents the face and the third wheel you can see the food of the animals.
In our machine we used only 6 animals, you can use more by making a bigger wheel with more square plates.
We have "animal: fur/skin - face - food"
Dog: fur - nose - bone
Cat: fur - nose - mouse
Hedgehog: spines - nose - worms
Horse: short fur - nose - hay
Cow: leatherly skin - nose - grass
Pig: Skin with a few long hairs - nose - vegetables
Electrical Brushes
On the sides of each wheel we glued aluminium tape for an electrical connection. For each animal they are placed on another place. With electrical brushes we will make a connection.
If the connection for an animal is correct (For example dog: his fur, nose en the bone as food) the LED's will go on.
The red on/off switch will provide power.
Feeling Box
The feeling box will be filled up with miniature animals.
You have to feel which animal it is.
We made boxen by placing rectangles on a circular plate. With an aluminium spindle we attached this to the machine.
You will have to put your hand in the hole. Therfor we have put an 'entrance' with black fake leather.
Buttons and Fabric Piece
When you push a button a noise of an animal will play.
We made this happen by using little speakers on the side wall.
These speakers were rewritable.
By drilling 5 little holes for every speaker (we have 12 speakers, 2 for each animal).
We taped them behind every pair of holes.
Pulling the red stick, the cylinder will start to turn and automatically stop on a random sentence.
We used several drawings of animals to draw the contours from.
The empty space behind the pictures of the animals are painted white.
The feeling box is painted black.
After that we painted some prints of animal feet.
The Machine
You start by turning the switch 'on'.
After that you feel the animal in the feeling box.
When you think you know which animal it is you can push the button of the right animal. You can hear the noise of the animal at the side wall.
Then you can make the puzzle by putting the wheel in the right order. When the order is correct, the LEDS will go on.
The last step is to pull the red stick.The cylinder will turn and stop on a random place.
The noise of the animal is translated and can be read on the cylinder.
How It Works
First movie:
1. Turn on the power
2. Feel the animal in the feeling box
3. Push the button with the noise of the right animal
4. Make the puzzel and wait till the LEDS go on. If they are on...
5. Pull the red stick
6. Read the translation
Second movie (the piece of textile covers the animal names)
1. Turn on the power
2. Push a button without looking under the piece of textile. If you recognize the animal...
3. Make the puzzel and wait till the LEDS go on. If they are on...
4. Pull the red stick.
5. Read the translation
Technical Drawings
We made the machine in NX siemens. A CAD programme, on these drawings you can find all the dimensions you need to make the machine.