Diamond Ring
The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.
In this lesson you will learn to design a Diamond ring. Let's get started!
- Start by dragging a Diamond shape to the Workplane.
- You can find the Diamond shape in the shapes panel to the right of the screen.
- The Diamond shape is located in the "Symbols" shape panel.
Diamond Ring
- While holding the shift key on the keyboard, scale it smaller to a size of 13mm x13mm.
- This will scale in all directions keeping the pretty shape of the Diamond.
Diamond Ring
- Now move it to the area highlighted in orange at the top of the ring.
- You can adjust the Snap Grid to a smaller value to get more accurate control when positioning the shape. Perfect!
Diamond Ring
- Yay, you're almost done!
- Select all the objects and Group them into a single object by clicking the Group button on the Toolbar.
Diamond Ring
Yippee! You made it!