Display CDs on Wall
I'm working on a collection of CDs and I wanted a good-looking, cheap way to display them. After some thinking and experimenting I came up with this. You can hang about 14 CDs for $15.
Materials and Tools
-closetmaid shelftrack (can be found at home depot, comes in different lengths)
-drill bits
-closetmaid shelftrack (can be found at home depot, comes in different lengths)
-drill bits
Drill the Holes
Drill a couple holes in the shelftrack for mounting. Go through both sides so you can put the screw in and be able to screw it with the screwdriver. After you drill the holes you'll have some edges on the inside of the shelftrack, just use a dremel with a cutting wheel to get rid of it. MAKE SURE TO USE SAFETY GOGGLES WHEN DOING THIS . I'm not responsible if you get pieces of metal embedded into your eyes.
Mount and Display
Now just put the screws in the holes and screw into the wall. Just add CDs now and enjoy :)