Display Case for a Desk
This is an instructable for a cover or display case for a desk. It can also be modified for almost anything that looks like a display case for anything.
I decided to modify something I saw on Thingiverse with an IKEA Lack Table as a 3D case to hold the heat in and dust out. I did the original and it worked well, but I had a desk where one of my 3D printers are, so I decided to modify the original so I can use the new one in almost any situation and size. The desk area is actually where you can put an original printer, so it had small sides and a back already, so I thought I could use that to my advantage.
Designed for 3mm acrylic sheet, this is ideal for any display case you need.
I also found the nicest 38mmx38mm garden stakes I could, cut, sanded and varnished them to make this look great!
My free 3D files can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3208363
Finding Out Where It Needs to Be.
I made a wooden top section by using 18mmx18mm wood. This will determine the full size front to back, and side to side. In the photo you can see how big the area needs to be. I screwed the wood together to make the U shape and attached brackets. These were later removed and flattened down as they were better to put on the inside of the shelving. You can see the area already there so I matched the outside of the wood to the area to sit flush. I also marked the front corners as this is where the bottom hinge section will go.
Put the Base Sections In
I screwed the small angled sections to the original desk walls as you can see, then attached the hinge sections directly to the desk. I then did the other hinge sections on the front only and attached them to the top railing you made earlier.
Next, screw the uprights into the base section securely. Do not forget to put the hinges in place BEFORE you screw the legs on. Put the perspex sheeting in the 2 sides and attach the top angled pieces to the desk walls on top.
Then place the front top sections on with the hinge in place too and screw to the legs. Your display is now taking shape.
Top and Items
I put a 3mm MDF top on finish the area. And yes I did make a mistake on the height of the front legs which turned out to be 3cm short! But this is actually a good thing as I now use it for a shelf to put my extra items for the printer on! Also lucky that I has a piece from the back to fill this area in. You can see the hinges are opening freely.
Finishing Up
The doors are actually easier to put in place at this time as you can adjust them as you need them. Superglue will help hold better. Once in, glue on the handles as shown.
On the inside, use a double catch as in the photos and the striker plate will need to be cut to fit the recess in the handles. The 18mm wood was not wide enough to hold the catch where I wanted it, so I added a piece of spare wood to the middle of the top. Of course you could always do it on the base, or even both! It's up to you.
A section of LED striplights on the top finish off the project nicely.
And there you are. Your own display case custom made.