Don't have the money to buy a dremel? We'll now you cand for less than 5$!!!!
- motor
- 9v battery
- 2 coins (I prefur pennies)
- lots of wires
- 2 containers
- electric tape
- 9v battery
- 2 coins (I prefur pennies)
- lots of wires
- 2 containers
- electric tape
- screwdriver
- knife
- wire strippers
- hot glue gun
- knife
- wire strippers
- hot glue gun
Hole in Container
Use the tip of the screwdriver to hammer a hole for the wires in the first container.
Add Wire and Tape
Atach the wire to the motor and tape together
Put in and Glue
Put in motor and glue on with hot glue
Attach Wire
Attach one of the ends of the wire to the battery and glue on to secure
Attach Penny
Use electric tape to attach the wire, then glue the tape
Attach Penny to Container
Glue the penny on the container as shown in the image
Glue good
Tape another wire to the penny and add the second container
Tape the other end of the wire that is attached to the penny to the back of the second penny
Attach Penny
Glue the penny to the container
Secure Wire
Secure the wire that is attached to the battery so that the tip is over the penny
Glue Container
Glue the second container secure
Tape the dremel but don't cover the penny
Make the Blade Attachment
Smash a bottle cap and do as shown in pics
How It Works
When your hand holds the dremel it pushes the wire on the penny completing the circuit causing the motor to spin.