Drop Paradise
Welcome to "Drop Paradise" amusement park! All the rides and passengers are independently 3D modeled, hand-painted and individually glued together and down to the board. The park contains 15 rides and over 500 hundred drop characters (staff members + park citizens) plus a beautiful lake in the center!
- 3D software (example: Fusion 360)
- 3D printer
- Printer Filament
- Hot glue gun
- Matte Acrylic paint
- Paint Brushes
- Artificial grass
- Pot + source of heat
- Blue candles
- Large piece of wood
- Floor Vinyl Sticker Tiles (for the sidewalk)
Look at Images
Search "Images of Amusement Park Rides" online ... optional (make a powerpoint) to organize your images!
3D Model Your Rides
I used Fusion 360 to model all my rides. Each ride is independently designed (this step requires a lot of effort, creativity and most importantly patience).
Print Pieces
This step personally was the hardest (each ride is unique). For me it took 8 pieces for the smallest ride in my park to be printed and over 500 pieces for the Ferris wheel! This step requires TIME. *It can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks to print and assemble a single ride*
Paint Drops (Optional)
Each drop is individually painted in 25 different colors for my park!
Glue Pieces Together
Glue the printed ride pieces together (take your time and have fun), a hot glue gun works best!
Get a Piece of Wood
Any type of wood works... also good to grab other materials like (grass, tiles, and vinyl stickers while you're out).
Glue Pieces Down
A hot glue gun works best to stick 3D printed designs on wood. Cut out paper outlines to create a draft before sticking and gluing items down.
Glue Drops Around the Park (optional)
Fun Fact: The drops are my own creation, created on my birthday!
Making and Adding the Water
Heat up the candle (any shade of blue will work) in a pot and then pour it while it's hot onto the lake area then wait for it dry.
Add Finishing Touches
All done!!!!!