Drywall Patching
- Drywall patching is the process of using drywall like materials to patch a hole or crack in a wall. Patching drywall is not a very difficult process, but it takes a little bit of time and that time must be allowed for or imperfections can occur in the final product. Be cautious when using the tools, such as the power drill (putting other holes in the wall or your hand), utility knife (cutting your hand), and the Drywall Compound knife because it has a sharp edge also (cutting your hand). Clean-up after each compound application and sanding is necessary so that the Drywall Compound Knife does not rust and the drywall dust does not get tracked anywhere or in power tools.
Materials and Tools:
The first step in patching drywall is to gather all the necissary materials and tools to complete the task
-Utility Knife
-Drywall piece large enough to fill the hole (make sure that the drywall piece is the same thickness as the drywall that you are patching)
-Lumber or pieces of Scrap Plywood for supports (large enough to give adequate support)
-Joint Compound
-Mesh Fiberglass Drywall Tape
-Drywall Compound Knife
-Fine Grit Sand Paper or Drywall Sanding Screen
-Drill (electric or battery powered) with Philips Head Bit
-Drywall piece large enough to fill the hole (make sure that the drywall piece is the same thickness as the drywall that you are patching)
-Lumber or pieces of Scrap Plywood for supports (large enough to give adequate support)
-Joint Compound
-Mesh Fiberglass Drywall Tape
-Drywall Compound Knife
-Fine Grit Sand Paper or Drywall Sanding Screen
-Drill (electric or battery powered) with Philips Head Bit
-Extension Cord if not close enough to an outlet (If using a electric drill)
-Drywall screws
-Tarp to make cleanup easier
-Carpenter pencil
-Tape measure
-Rag or some cloth for cleaning
Lay the tarp on the floor flush to the wall where there is to be drywall patching.
Cut out a hole in the drywall with the utility knife (figure 1).
a. Measure and sketch a circle that is to be cut out so that the hole is surrounded completely by the sketch that is to be cut out.
a. Measure and sketch a circle that is to be cut out so that the hole is surrounded completely by the sketch that is to be cut out.
b. Cut the circle out and smooth any imperfections with the utility knife that might alter the final product.
Fasten the support wood in place with the drill (Figure 2).
a. Measure and cut a piece of wood support that will fill the back of the hole adequately.
b. Fasten the wood support to the inside of the wall with drywall screws and the drill so that there is a gap for the patch piece of drywall to sit flushes with the original wall.
Cut the drywall patch and fasten the drywall hole (Figure 3).
a. Measure and cut a piece of drywall that fits the hole (give or take a gap of about a 1/16 of an inch).
a. Measure and cut a piece of drywall that fits the hole (give or take a gap of about a 1/16 of an inch).
b. Fasten the drywall to the wood support using the drywall screws
Apply the mesh fiberglass tape to remaining crack (Figure 4).
a. Cut a piece of mesh fiberglass tape to cover the crack.
a. Cut a piece of mesh fiberglass tape to cover the crack.
b. Use the compound knife to apply joint compound to the crack in order to adhere the mesh tape to the cracks.
Apply the joint compound to the mesh fiberglass tape (Figure 5).
a. Use the compound knife to spread the first coat of compound to fill the crack and the screw holes.
b. The compound should be evenly spread out over the tape at about 1/8 inches thick.
Allow time to dry and repeat step 6 (Figure 6).
a. After drying use sand paper to smooth the compound so that it is flush with the wall.
b. Apply the second coat of compound to fill in any remaining cracks or holes.
Final sanding and finishing (Figure 7).
a. Sand down till flush with wall again and no imperfections remain.
b. The wall is finished and needs to be wiped down with a damp cloth.
c. The wall can now be painted to match the rest of the wall.