*EASY* Friendship Bracelet
Get Binder With Prongs
Pick Out Color of String
You need three pieces of string, or 6 depending on the thickness you would like. Have each string be about 2 feet in length.
Tie a Knot at the End and French Braid Then Tie Another Knot
Tie to Prongs and Begin Knotting
Separate the Color You Want to Begin With
Wrap Around Other Strings to Knot
Pull brown string up to knot
Repeat Till It Is the Length You Want Then Switch Strings and Do the Same
The knots will wrap around to make a spiraling pattern. Note the more colors you use the smaller the sections.
Do the Same With Every Other Color Until You Are Happy With Size and Pattern
Now Your Pretty Much Done Add a Knot at the End and French Braid Again
To add the sea shell like in the main pictures take one of your knots near the middle of your bracelet and slip it on the string before you knot it up.
Whether a bracelet for a friend or for yourself, show of your new style and be proud of its unique qualities that came just from you!