Easy Minecraft Server
If you play Minecraft: Java Edition, you might feel like playing on a multiplayer world. However, most servers online cost money, and the ones that are free, have drawbacks such as low space and RAM. Fortunately, you can make one for free! Making use of an old computer or a good laptop/desktop you don't play minecraft on, you can make a Minecraft Server!
The only thing that will cost money in this instructable is the computer you host it on.
- A laptop/desktop that can stay on power for a long time without drawing too much power, preferably a old desktop with good RAM and has 64 bit architecture.
- A way to use that device
- Java on the hosted computer. Install link here and here Download the 64 bit installer from both sites and install java. You must install both java programs, or this will not work.
- Friends! What's the point of a server without players?
Choose Your Server Type
There are many server types out on the internet but these are the most popular.
Vanilla - https://getbukkit.org/download/vanilla
CraftBukkit - https://getbukkit.org/download/craftbukkit
Spigot - https://getbukkit.org/download/spigot
On a vanilla version, you can not add plugins, but you can with the bukkit and spigot server.
Choose one and click the corresponding link to get server downloads. From there download your appropriate version. Note: To play on a server, it is best to play on the same server version.
Download Server File
I will use a spigot server, so I will download the server for 1.17.1 . Click the download button.
Setup Server Files
On the computer, get the server file and place it in a folder anywhere.
In that folder create a new text file with 'java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.17.1.jar nogui' in the file.
Type PAUSE in the line after that.
Take away the 'nogui' part if you want a window with details. Change 'minecraft_server.1.17.1.jar' to the name of the jar file in the server folder.
Now edit the numbers to the amount of RAM you need. Keep in mind the amount of RAM your computer has. Mine has 8 GB but I will use 4 GB Replace 1024 to 2048 for 2 GB, 4096 for 4 GB, 7000 for a near 8 GB experience or do nothing and have 1 GB of RAM.
Your RAM value should be lower than the computer's RAM.
Click save in the file menu.
Starting the Server
In your folder, open the text file. Click the file menu, save as, and change the bottom part as shown above. Now double click the .bat file.
Accepting the EULA
When the window says, 'press any key to continue', press any key. Now, there should be some files. Click 'eula.txt' Change the text eula=false to eula=true, as shown above.
Starting the Server, for Real
Save the eula.txt file and close it. Click the start.bat file again. A window like above should form. If so, hooray! Your server successfully started. Now, to play on the same network, connect to the network the server is on, and open minecraft: java edition. In the multiplayer tab, click direct connect, and type localhost in the textbox and connect. You should be connected to the server.
Getting Other Players Connected
Right now, you can only play. For other players to play, you will need to either port forward, or use an alternative.
In this instructable, I will use an alternative. You can look online on how to port forward minecraft servers.
I will use a software called ngrok.
Also, keep in mind this server is best for you and 1-9 friends to play on. To make a server for lots of people, it is best to move to online services, as they will give servers meant for many players.
Installing Ngrok
Go to ngrok.com and sign up for an account. Download ngrok for the computer and extract the exe file. Click the file. Go back to the webpage and get the ngrok authtoken command. Copy everything except for the ./ in windows. Paste that in the terminal. Now, type ' ngrok tcp 25565' after the authtoken command. A window like above should show.
Server Maintenance
You can stop the server by typing stop in the command prompt window. To share get other people to put the underlined code in the direct connect window. Everytime ngrok restarts, a new code will appear. To edit server files, open server.properties. Search up what they mean before editing. To start the server click the start.bat file.
Congratulations! You made a minecraft server! Remember, if you need help, the internet is your friend. Now, go play!