Easy Paper Skull
I've been making paper skulls as part of my artwork for a few years. Some times they're the focus or part of the background. Either way they get attention.
Here I'm going to show you an overview on how to make an easy paper skull.
Get Cutting
I usually use card-stock, but I'll make them out of anything. There were some calendars at work that I thought I could reuse. There is a metaphor in there somewhere.
First I fold the paper in half. I cut out the eyes in the center of the paper followed by the nose and eyes. Keep everything symmetrical so you won't have any problems later. Then I cut two horizontal lines, two diagonal lines, and one vertical cut to just above the eyes.
Attach the center most strips at the top of the head.
Attache the Sides
Attach the next pieces behind the head. You can feel free to adjust these to change your skull to your liking.
Fold in the Jaw (optional)
You might want to fold in and under the sides of the jaw. I find this strengthens the mandible, but you may not need to.
You're Done!
You can try to experiment with placement and materials for all different kinds of effects.