Easy and CHEAP X Acto Blade
Outside it's cold and I'm lazy. Need new blade for my Knife and I got an idea: I fawking love Wilkinson razor blade, so why don't try put it on my knife?
What You Need
Material: 1 Wilkinson razor blade
Tool: Pincer
Ler's Do It
Just break the razorblade in the right place in order to get the wanted shape.
Note that razorblade is softer and thinner than normal blade so it will easily bend. Don't make it too long or it will be imprecise.
This is my first attempt, if you think a better shape for the blade, PLEASE!, share it.
That's All Folks!
Here you are! New supersharp blade!
I tried it. It just make its job, but it's really really really sharp. It will be never like the original ones, but 1 razorblade will give you 4 knifeblade.
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