Edgee Pumpkins
The particular brand of shaving gel I use, comes with an Orange plastic lid, I thought they could be reused for something, then the Halloween and Reclaimed Contests came along.
Edge Orange shaving gel lids
LED tea lights from the dollar store
A fine tipped Black Sharpie
A Mason jar
A coffee mug
A pie plate
A perforated can from the dollar store
Nutmeg spice
My very talented daughter Jenni Evans decorated the lids, she went with a Mom, Dad and child themes for the faces.
Pumpkin Preserves
I decided to have some fun with them, so pumpkin preserves in a Mason jar.
Canned Pumpkin
A perforated can with pumpkin in it.
Pumpkin Pie
With my country's Thanksgiving just over and the US one coming up in November, what could be more appropriate than Pumpkin Pie.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Just add milk, Pumpkin with Nutmeg spice, it seems like any coffee shop around has Pumpkin Spice Lattes this time of year.
Real Halloween Treats That Are Edible
If you want a healthy, gluten free snack check out my: https://www.instructables.com/id/Halloween-Pumpkin...
Or if you want cup cakes with an extra touch of grossness check out my: https://www.instructables.com/id/URINAL-cup-CAKES/