Electric GoKart
I built this electric go kart over the course of a few years. I got the frame on Craigslist, and spent a long time restoring it. The original frame came with a roll cage, but I removed it because it was a little to small for me.Then I bought the majority of the other components from scooter and Go Kart supply stores. The motor is 36v and 1000w. The controller is meant for an electric scooter, but I controlled it using a hall-effect pedal I found, instead of a wrist controlled throttle. The seat is a tractor seat I bought from a friend. I custom-made a box with a voltmeter to show battery charge, a key switch for ignition, fuse, and the charging outlet. The batteries are 12v, 14ah sealed lead acid, and are wired in series. I built the wheel assembly for the drive wheel myself. All the wheels and tires are go kart wheels I bought on Ebay, and as of now are my main problem, as the bearing are low quality and keep wearing out. In terms of performance, it has a top speed of about 25 miles per hour, can complete a U-Turn in a neighborhood street, and can brake from top speed in about 20 feet. Please feel free to ask me any questions about this project!