Constipation... No More, No Pain, No Bleeding

by ROCKKINGDOMLTD in Living > Health

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Constipation... No More, No Pain, No Bleeding

henorr hands3.jpg

This is the position we could see from above showing our hands on the position to press the part between the coccyx and the last part of the rectum - of course it is not necessary to touch this part also should be avoided covering our fingers with toilet paper. Then when feel that is time just press those two fingers helping to expel the dry stool that is inside of the rectum, this will make a free way to evacuate avoiding bleeding pain when you start making efforts to do it.

Always it will help you and you won`t be scared anymore also will avoid bleeding time during excretion and you will see that slowly the hemorrhoids will start retrograding for better even healing totally, of course I will have to help you giving some directions on how completely heal yourself. But what you are seeing here is the most important thing you have to do, as it will avoid expansion and aggression to the existing pile ones.

Living Well Without Suffering From Piles


In this pic you can see the position of the specific fingers – The ring finger and the middle finger. When sitting down on your toilet place the ring finger edge like if it was really touching your coccyx laterally and the middle finger have to stay touching the ring as well. Then press them against your bottom, of course you should use a piece of paper to avoid any “undesirable accident” keeping yourself totally clean. You will feel that that the dry stool that was blocking instantly will start moving out finally also without any pain, also without blood.

Position of Fingers to Help Evacuation


How to live very
well without distressing hemorrhoid or piles.

I use to see people suffering from it and later one I start suffering form it too but thanks God today I am free from it and I really want to help anyone that is suffering from it and show them that is possible to live life very well without painful piles or hemorrhoid being free from its incommode, inconvenience and distress using ancestral knowledge that I have got from my Pimandro.

I have placed here some common definition that can be easily found on the Internet.

What is Hemorrhoid or piles?

It is a painful swollen areas around anus (=the hole where solid waste comes out of your body).

Pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter


Hemorrhoid, wads, gobs, lots, dozens, heaps, slews, stacks, scads, piles, oodles, scores, tons, lashings, haemorrhoid, rafts, loads

I have decided to help showing that is possible to have 100% success from my own experience also when I was helping friends and acquaintances.

Many people adults or even children can suffer from it especially caused by bad habits like how and what to eat or not. Sometimes we neglect the amount of water to drink every day and it can aggravate this kind of problem.

As I don`t have so much time I will give general instructions and later one I will make some updates showing some herbs that can help to heal it, if people starts getting interest and feedbacks.

But the most important will be what is here that is simple and no one needs to spend money to heal themselves.

Just bellow I will write down the Instructions and some steps to follow daily, they are simple, we just need to pay attention about what our body is saying to us but we have to listen to it.

As I have said before I will not describe in many details as I don’t know if people will have interest, if so, then I can make something much more complete.

If your situation is like… I want to go to toilet but don’t have courage to go there or because you know you will have problems. I will tell you one secret just after explaining about what to eat and what not.

First step:

What to eat? We have to avoid all junk food with excess of condiments like some hot peppers, black peppers, some kind of ketchups, mayonnaise and here is what about I was saying we have to pay attention what we have eaten and how our body was and is responding because some people can eat some peppers with minor problems but some cannot absolutely.

Of course vegetables, fibers, fruits are the best to help us and I will not discuss it and make a list here, as well we can really eat rice, pasta, even fresh cheese that can really make very dry our bowels preventing and making more difficult our lives when inside of toilets.

Some foods can make dirty our blood like peppers, chocolates, peanuts sometimes painful rashes. We can observe very well after eating some foods we can get rashes on our faces, inside of our nose or on our back and arms… Those foods for the beginning we should avoid until you learn the next steps.

Second step: Here I will teach now how and what to do when or not you are really suffering and scared to go to toilet. Anyway when you feel always you should help yourself in this way, the way described bellow. Here I show everything in a cleaner manner without touching any specific parts, just giving a little push to help what still inside to go out without making too much effort just for what is necessary.

In this pic you can see the position of the specific fingers – The ring finger and the middle finger. When sitting down on your toilet place the ring finger edge like if it was really touching your coccyx laterally and the middle finger have to stay touching the ring as well. Then press them against your bottom, of course you should use a piece of paper to avoid any “undesirable accident” keeping yourself totally clean. You will feel that that the dry stool that was blocking instantly will start moving out finally also without any pain, also without blood.

This is the way if you were looking when sitting down on your toilet. This simple procedure will dramatically help yourself totally and 100% avoiding the terrible bleeding and painful time. As long as you get more use to do it you will notice that you will not find right or wrong time to go and do what you were expecting to do.

Later one I will make more updates because it is not just it, there are many things I can start helping you including to lose weight, on how to have a nice smooth skin also about how to heal yourself from sinusitis.