FFHide Batch Program

by TheKnowledgeFactory in Circuits > Computers

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FFHide Batch Program

FFHide Welcome.png

Here we have created one another batch file which can hide/unhide your file/folder.
you can easily modify it as per your need if you know batch file programming.
you can create it as per the following steps or you can directly download it from here. (Download FFHide)
Source : http://www.theknowledgefactory.in/2015/01/hide-your-filefolder-using-batch.html

Let's Start...!!!

Create Batch Program


Copy the following code in notepad and save it as FFHide.bat

 REM Code started from here<br>@echo off
call :setWindowProperty
call :creteFolder
goto :main
 title File/Folder Hide-Unhide App
  mode con: cols=65 lines=22
  color 2f
goto :eof
 set messageCode=welcome
 set feedbackURL="http://goo.gl/forms/amy2smBcQY"
 set setupPath="C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\FFHide"
 IF NOT EXIST %setupPath% (
  cd "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop"
  mkdir FFHide
  attrib +S +H %setupPath%
  cd %setupPath%
  echo. >> log.txt
goto :eof
 if "%messageCode%"=="welcome" (
  call :welcomeMesssage
 ) else if "%messageCode%"=="pathnotfounderror" (
  call :pathnotfounderror
 ) else if "%messageCode%"=="success" (
  call :success
 ) else if "%messageCode%"=="error" (
  call :error
 ) else if "%messageCode%"=="contact" (
  call :contact
 ) else (
  call :error
 echo [1] Hide
 echo [2] Unhide
 echo [3] Log History
 echo [4] Contact Us
 echo [5] Give Feedback
 echo [6] Exit
 echo *****************************************************************
 set /p option="Enter your Choice: "
 call :operation %option%
goto :main
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       Welcome...!!                                            *
 echo *       Here You can Hide/Unhide your File/Folder..!!           *
 echo *       Choose option below                                     *  
 echo *****************************************************************
goto :eof
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       Sorry...!!                                              *
 echo *       Choice is Incorrect..!!                                 *
 echo *       Please Choose option below                              *  
 echo ***************************************************************** 
goto :eof 
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       Congratulations...!!                                    *
 echo *       Operation Done Successfully..!!                         *
 echo *       Please Choose option below                              *  
 echo *****************************************************************   
goto :eof
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       Sorry...!!                                              *
 echo *       File/Folder Does not Exists..!!                         *
 echo *       Please Choose option below                              *  
 echo *****************************************************************
goto :eof
 if exist "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" (
  start firefox.exe "%feedbackURL%"
 ) else (
  start iexplore "%feedbackURL%"
 set messageCode=welcome
goto :eof
:: TheKnowledgeFactory.in
 if %~1==1 (
  call :hide
 ) else if %~1==2 (
  call :unhide
 ) else if %~1==3 (
  call :log
 ) else if %~1==4 (
  set messageCode=contact
 ) else if %~1==5 (
  call :feedback
 ) else if %~1==6 (
  call :exit
 )else (
  set messageCode=error
goto :eof
 set /p folderpath="Enter path of File/Folder to Hide : "
  if exist "%folderpath%" (
   attrib +h +s "%folderpath%"
   cd %setupPath%

echo Operation: Hide     ^Date^&Time : %date% %time%    FolderPath: "%folderpath%">> log.txt
   set messageCode=success
  ) else (
   set messageCode=pathnotfounderror
goto :eof
 set /p folderpath="Enter path of File/Folder to Unhide : "
 if exist "%folderpath%" (
  attrib -h -s "%folderpath%"
  cd %setupPath%
echo Operation: Unhide   ^Date^&Time : %date% %time%    FolderPath: "%folderpath%">> log.txt
  set messageCode=success
 ) else (
  set messageCode=pathnotfounderror
goto :eof
 cd %setupPath%
 start log.txt
goto :eof
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       If you have any problem or you need any help            *
 echo *       You can Contact Us by bolow EmailID                     *
 echo *       Email	   : TheKnowledgeFactory.TKF@gmail.com        *  
 echo *       Facebook     : fb.me/TheKnowledgeFactory.TKF	      *
 echo *****************************************************************
goto :eof
 echo *****************************************************************
 echo *       Sorry...!!                                              *
 echo *       Choice is Incorrect..!!                                 *
 echo *       Please Choose option below                              *  
 echo ***************************************************************** 
goto :eof 
REM Code ended from here

Run It

FFHide Welcome.png

Now just double click on that file to run it.
you will see the window as given in image.
Just choose 1 option to hide your File/Folder and press Enter.

Provide File/Folder Path

FFHide Fdetail.png

Just type the full path of your File/Folder and press enter to Hide it. [if you are providing file path then you should also add file extension]

Hide Successfully

FFHide Hide.png

Thats it...!! you have Done...!!!
your file/folder has been hide

Log History


you can also see the log history by choosing 3rd option.
you will see the log history along with date-time and file/folder detail.

Thanks :)

We need your feedback >> Feedback for FFHide

Source : http://www.theknowledgefactory.in/2015/01/hide-your-filefolder-using-batch.html