The STL files for this project are available to purchase. Just message me.
- 0.2mm layer height
- 2 shells
- 10% hexagonal infill
- cooling fan ON
- rafts/support OFF
Tendons MUST be printed with 0.2mm layer height or they won't function properly and could break much more easily.
FILES: naming protocol: assembly order_part name_quantity of each STL required
So, "7_finger_5" means this is the seventh part in the assembly order, the part name is "finger", and you'll need to print five of them.
The fit on most parts is intentionally tight so I recommend using pliers and/or a small thwacker to gently squeeze or tap parts together to save your fingers and ensure a proper fit.
I also recommend test snapping the finger bases into their sockets and removing them a few times before assembling everything. This will slightly loosen the snap-fit which will make the final assembly much easier.
PLA will loosen or soften slightly over time. At first, moving parts will be quite stiff or sticky but should loosen up and move more smoothly with a little use. I recommend moving pieces back and forth and loosening things up as much as possible before the final assembly. Once it is fully assembled, I recommend gently working the fingers and triggers by hand to make sure it's all moving smoothly and to reduce the chance of breaking the tendons.
Take special care during assembly not to kink the tendons. If you do kink a tendon, especially if it is creased, you should stop and replace it. Kinked tendons will break easily and will be the first thing to fail.
Calibration Test
Print file "0_Test_1" at the settings listed above. This file contains a test finger and two test tendons that you'll use to ensure your settings are correct.
Make sure the tendons form a nice loop, free of kinks and bends when the ends are touched together.
Make sure the finger joints can pivot freely. GENTLY work the joints loose against a table edge, turning the finger over frequently. BE PATIENT. In my experience, the joints will almost always come loose if I'm patient and work them gently. If you try to force them they'll probably break.
If you're unable to free the joints you'll need to make some adjustments to your print settings or plastic selection.
FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT FINGERS: Once the joints are free, work them back and forth a bit until the fingers are nice and loose.
Assemble the CORE + HANDLE
Slot the core into the handle and rotate it a bit so it stays in place. The handle should spin freely around the core. There's only one way the two parts will fit together correctly. Good luck with that.
There are two linkage parts, one with three tabs and one with two tabs. Press/tap the three-tab linkage onto the end of the large trigger (the one with the oblong loop.) Press/tap the two-tab linkage onto the smaller trigger (round loop.)
Make sure the trigger ends are fully seated and flush with the linkage surface.
Look at that gif. Do that.
Push the tendon loops fully down over the linkage tabs. One tendon per tab, obvs.
Make sure the tabs on the ends of the tendons are all facing outwards.
Hold the upper and lower trigger+tendon assemblies together as a single unit, as pictured, and slot the linkage tabs into the grooves in the core's interior. The rotational orientation doesn't really matter.
The triggers should slide freely back and forth.
Thread TENDONS Through HUB & Attach HUB to CORE
Okay, this get's a little tricky. There's only one correct orientation for attaching the hub to the core and you'll need to make sure that everything is aligned correctly before threading in the tendons.
Also, getting all five tendons fed into the hub is like trying to shove a wet noodle up a wildcat's butt.
Identify the long and short circular grooves on the bottom of the hub and the corresponding long and short circular tabs on the top of the core. Line up the hub and core and then make sure that the first tendon you thread into the hub corresponds to the same location, relative to those circular tabs, in the core. Hope that makes sense.
Now thread the second tendon into the hub, followed by the third - oh no the first one popped out, put it back and proceed to the fourt-now the second one has come loose-get the second one back in place and-now the third one's gone awol - like this until all five tendons are threaded into the hub.
Carefully slide the hub down the tendons until you can press it onto the core - realize you didn't line them up properly - remove the hub, sigh the sigh of the defeated, and start all over.
Once all five tendons are properly aligned and threaded press the hub firmly onto the core. Upend the assembly and rest the hub face down on the table and press/thwack the handle+core down onto the hub until everything is fully seated.
Take care not to kink any tendons.
Press the ENDCAP Into Place
Align one half of the endcap with the triggers and central core cavity and press it into place. Do the same with the other endcap half. Upend the assembly on the table and give it a few gentle thwacks to make sure the end caps are seated and the whole handle assembly is firmly together.
Take care not to kink any tendons.
Crack and Loosen All the Finger Joints.
GENTLY crack and loosen all of the finger joints, just like the test finger.
Assemble the FINGERS + First Three FINGER SEGMENTS
Identify the fingertips (the smallest joint, the one with a notch) and finger base (the other end, dummy)
The segments have a front and back, and top and bottom, relative to the finger. They are oriented correctly in the pictures above and you'll need to orient them the same way or the fingers won't bend properly.
Starting from the finger base, push the two middle segments (these are the two medium length segments and they're identical/interchangeable) over the finger until they seat on the second and third finger joints.
You may need to thwack the finger joints into the segments to get them started - then push/pull/thwack them over subsequent finger joints until they are in position.
Repeat for all five fingers, until you have five fingers that look like the picture above.
The segments should "snap" into position on the finger but sometimes it's hard to tell when they've seated correctly.
The spacing between segments should be uniform and when bent in either direction the edges of the segments should just touch without overlapping one another.
Thread each tendon through channels inside the finger segments and fully seat the finger base into the hub.
Take care not to kink the tendons.
Notch the tendons into the fingertip. Use pliers to fully seat the tendon tabs, if needed.
Don't kink nothin'!
Snap FINGERTIP Segments to Fingertips.
Press the fingertip segments onto the end of each finger.
Remember this is a puppet at heart. Play around with it and see how it moves and behaves. If you tilt it up or down, does gravity affect how the fingers move? Try fast moves, slow moves, big moves, and tiny moves. Try to give it a little personality! Have fun and send me pics or gifs of your Squeezoid in action!