Factorial - Knex Ball Machine Elements
by PolymerTech in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Factorial - Knex Ball Machine Elements
Hello there! ^^ As a request, I have made a list of all the elements and parts I have used in my latest ball machine. In this Instructable, you will learn how to make 35 different elements and 2 lifts that I have used in the build. Also, below you will Have access to the custom 3D files I have made for this project. Don't forget to check out the video on YouTube! :D
Table of Contents
Step 2: Have a Quick Look and Download These Resources
Step 3: 360-Chain Lift
Step 4: Ball Regulator
Step 5: Chain Slope
Step 6: Conveyor Belt
Step 7: Cooperation Track
Step 8: Cross-Tie Wheel
Step 9: Ditch Paths
Step 10: Double Axis Arm
Step 11: Double Pendulum
Step 12: Falling Cross Tie
Step 13: Flexible Floor
Step 14: Funnels
Step 15: Inverted Spiral Staircase
Step 16: Jump Chute
Step 17: Lever Bridge
Step 18: Modified RR Booster
Step 19: Orange Rail Track
Step 20: Plinko Bridge
Step 21: Pot Hole
Step 22: Quad-Ball Dropper
Step 23: Quad-Ball Dropper V2
Step 24: Repeating Lever
Step 25: Rotating Segments
Step 26: Saw Spinner
Step 27: Spiral Plinko Tower
Step 28: Spiral Staircase
Step 29: Swapping Chain Bridge
Step 30: Thin Bridge
Step 31: Tilted Panels
Step 32: Tilting bowl
Step 33: Tire Drop
Step 34: Tire Tunnel
Step 35: Trampolines
Step 36: Trapdoor
Step 37: Tubing Spiral
Step 38: Tumble Wheel
Step 39: Zig-Zag Chute
Step 40: Additional Information About Factorial
Have a Quick Look and Download These Resources
Note: All Parts were made with 0.16mm Filament Quality, so some tolerances may vary in the part's Size and ability to fit (Should not be too much of a problem). Also, for printing a gear, Brim is not recommended as it may cause the first layer to be slightly bigger than the rest, creating an interference with the other gears. However, with a bit of sandpaper, an Exacto knife, and a small drill bit, this problem can be resolved.
360-Chain Lift
Parts list: 360-Chain Lift
12V Electric Motors: 1
12V Electric Motor Adapters: 1
Standard Motors: 1
yellow 34 Teeth Medium gears: 1
Red 34 Teeth Medium gears: 14
Blue 14 Teeth Small gears: 4
White Worm Gears: 1
Micro chain sprockets: 2
Grey 190mm rods: 11
Black 190mm Rigid rods: 4
190mm Flexible rods: 25
Red 128mm rods: 63
Golden 128mm rods: 1
Beige 128mm Rigid rods: 3
Yellow 86mm rods: 182
86mm Flexible rods: 5
Blue 54mm rods: 367
54mm Flexible rods: 4
White 32mm rods: 349
Green 16mm rods: 396
Grey Spacers: 113
Light Blue spacers: 203
Rod End Caps (Round): 3
8-way connectors: 94
7-way 3D-connectors: 119
5-way connectors: 197
4-way 3D-connectors: 246
4-Way connectors: 34
3-way connectors: 86
2-way connectors: 52
2-way Ladder-connectors: 55
1-way connectors: 125
Tan lock clips: 44
Metallic Blue clips: 12
Rod End clips: 18
Socket Clips: 2
Rare Orange Angle Clips: 8
86mm x 86mm Square Panels: 2
86mm x 86mm Triangle Panels: 1
54mm x 54mm Square Panels: 1
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 16
32mm x 32mm Square Panels: 1
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 7
Large Tires: 4
Medium Tires: 9
Large Pulleys: 19
Small Tires: 2
Small Pulleys: 4
Large Rubber Bands: 4
Chain Links: 113
Micro Chain Links: 41
Electrical Tape (For Friction)
Total: 3070 Pieces
Ball Regulator
Parts list: Ball Regulator
Tethered Motors: 1
Black 82 Teeth Large gears: 1
yellow 34 Teeth Medium gears: 1
Blue 14 Teeth Small gears: 2
Red 128mm rods: 6
Beige 128mm Rigid rods: 1
Yellow 86mm rods: 22
Blue 54mm rods: 36
White 32mm rods: 35
Green 16mm rods: 43
Grey Spacers: 2
Light Blue spacers: 15
Rod End Caps (Round): 4
8-way connectors: 7
7-way 3D-connectors: 10
5-way connectors: 22
4-way 3D-connectors: 41
4-way connectors: 4
3-way connectors: 10
2-way connectors: 1
2-way Ladder-connectors: 1
1-way connectors: 2
Tan lock clips: 9
Metallic Blue clips: 4
Rod End clips: 2
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 2
Total: 248 Pieces
Chain Slope
Parts list: Chain Slope
Blue 54mm rods: 23
White 32mm rods: 2
4-way connectors: 8
3-way connectors: 38
1-way connectors: 2
Small Tires: 2
Small Pulleys: 2
Chain Links: 46
Total: 123 Pieces
Conveyor Belt
Parts list: Conveyor Belt
Standard Motors: 1
Yellow 82 Teeth Large gears: 1
yellow 34 Teeth Medium gears: 2
Red 34 Teeth Medium gears: 10
Blue 14 Teeth Small gears: 1
Black 190mm Rigid rods: 1
Red/Metallic Green 128mm rods: 29
Golden 128mm rods: 33
Yellow/Grey 86mm rods: 35
Blue 54mm rods: 22
White 32mm rods: 3
Green 16mm rods: 7
Grey Spacers: 12
Light Blue spacers: 18
Rod End Caps (Round): 1
8-way connectors: 2
7-way 3D-connectors: 21
5-way connectors: 5
4-way 3D-connectors: 32
3-way connectors: 81
2-way connectors: 35
1-way connectors: 33
Tan lock clips: 13
Metallic Blue clips: 2
Chain Links: 66
Total: 466 Pieces
Cooperation Tracks
Parts list: Cooperation Track
Red 128mm rods: 13
Yellow 86mm rods: 13
Blue 54mm rods: 117
White 32mm rods: 65
Green 16mm rods: 107
Light Blue spacers: 10
8-way connectors: 9
7-way 3D-connectors: 25
5-way connectors: 73
4-way 3D-connectors: 54
4-way connectors: 23
3-way connectors: 49
2-way connectors: 16
2-way Ladder-connectors: 4
1-way connectors: 44
Metallic Blue clips: 2
Rod End clips: 12
Total: 636 Pieces
Cross-Tie Wheel
Parts list: Cross-Tie Wheel
Grey 190mm rods: 24
190mm Flexible rods: 24
8-way connectors: 3
2-way Ladder-connectors: 12
Cross Ties: 61
Total: 124 Pieces
Ditch Paths
Parts list: Ditch Paths
Grey 190mm rods: 16
4-way connectors: 196
2-way Ladder-connectors: 56
Total: 268 Pieces
Double Axis Arm
Parts list: Double Axis Arm
yellow 34 Teeth Medium gears: 1
Red 34 Teeth Medium gears: 3
Grey 14 Teeth Small gears: 1
Black 190mm Rigid rods: 1
Red 128mm rods: 3
Yellow 86mm rods: 7
Blue 54mm rods: 47
White 32mm rods: 55
Green 16mm rods: 14
Grey Spacers: 7
Light Blue spacers: 7
Rod End Caps (Round): 2
8-way connectors: 4
7-way 3D-connectors: 12
5-way connectors: 22
4-way 3D-connectors: 26
4-way connectors: 4
3-way connectors: 3
2-way connectors: 2
1-way connectors: 21
Tan lock clips: 9
Metallic Blue clips: 2
---Panels--- 3
2mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 4
Large Tires: 1
Medium Tires: 2
Large Pulleys: 3
Small Tires: 1
Small Pulleys: 1
Total: 267 Pieces
Double Pendulum
Parts list: Double Pendulum
Grey 190mm rods: 12
Red 128mm rods: 35
Yellow 86mm rods: 23
Blue 54mm rods: 100
White 32mm rods: 52
Green 16mm rods: 66
Grey Spacers: 14
Light Blue spacers: 10
Rod End Caps (Flat): 2
8-way connectors: 5
7-way 3D-connectors: 6
5-way connectors: 62
4-way 3D-connectors: 78
4-way connectors: 21
3-way connectors: 13
2-way connectors: 4
2-way Ladder-connectors: 11
1-way connectors: 28
Tan lock clips: 2
Metallic Blue clips: 2
Rod End clips: 6
Large Tires (Hollow): 2
Medium Tires: 2
Large Pulleys: 4
Small Tires: 5
Small Pulleys: 5
Total: 570 Pieces
Falling Cross-Tie
Parts list: Falling Cross-Tie
Red 128mm rods: 6
Yellow/ grey 86mm rods: 17
Blue 54mm rods: 48
White 32mm rods: 20
Green 16mm rods: 30
Grey Spacers: 11
Light Blue spacers: 6
8-way connectors: 2
7-way 3D-connectors: 10
5-way connectors: 11
4-way 3D-connectors: 33
4-way connectors: 6
3-way connectors: 9
2-way Ladder-connectors: 7
1-way connectors: 8
Small Tires: 6
Small Pulleys: 6
Cross Ties: 9
Total: 245 Pieces
Flexible Floor
Parts list: Flexible Floor
190mm Flexible rods: 18
Metallic Green 128mm rods: 2
3-way connectors: 1
2-way connectors: 35
Total: 56 Pieces
Parts list: Funnels
Red 128mm rods: 8
Yellow 86mm rods: 8
Blue 54mm rods: 42
White/Black 32mm rods: 196
32mm Flexible rods: 16
Green 16mm rods: 216
Grey Spacers: 8
8-way connectors: 60
7-way 3D-connectors: 20
5-way connectors: 60
4-way 3D-connectors: 72
4-way connectors: 24
3-way connectors: 30
2-way connectors: 7
2-way Ladder-connectors: 36
1-way connectors: 18
Tan lock clips: 8
Rod End clips: 19
Large Tires: 1
Total: 849 Pieces
Inverted Staircase
Parts list: Inverted Staircase
190mm Flexible rods: 10
grey 86mm rods: 10
Green 16mm rods: 1
Grey Spacers: 10
Light Blue spacers: 20
1-way connectors: 2
Cross Ties: 29
Total: 82 Pieces
Jump Chute
Parts list: Jump Chute
Red 128mm rods: 4
Yellow 86mm rods: 6
Blue 54mm rods: 23
White 32mm rods: 14
Green 16mm rods: 16
7-way 3D-connectors: 12
4-way 3D-connectors: 24
4-way connectors: 14
3-way connectors: 2
2-way connectors: 2
1-way connectors: 1
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 6
Large Tires: 1
Total: 125 Pieces
Lever Bridge
Parts list: Lever Bridge
Yellow 86mm rods: 24
Blue 54mm rods: 37
White 32mm rods: 74
Green 16mm rods: 46
8-way connectors: 12
7-way 3D-connectors: 3
5-way connectors: 5
4-way 3D-connectors: 45
4-way connectors: 16
3-way connectors: 16
2-way connectors: 16
2-way Ladder-connectors: 16
1-way connectors: 30
54mm x 54mm Square Panels: 1
32mm x 32mm Square Panels: 1
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 4
Small Pulleys: 8
Total: 354 Pieces
Modified RR Booster
Parts list: Modified RR booster
RR Boosters: 1
Golden 128mm rods: 2
Blue 54mm rods: 5
White 32mm rods: 6
Light Blue spacers: 3
8-way connectors: 2
5-way connectors: 2
Large Rubber Bands: 4
Golden 5 Way track Connectors: 10
Shaft collars that fit 5mm shaft: 2
Rippin Rocket Booster Inner Expansion Rings [Custom 3D File]: 2
Rippin Rocket Booster Outer Expansion Rings [Custom 3D File]: 2
---Tools Needed---
Total: 41 Pieces
Orange Rail Track
Parts list: Orange Rail Track
Grey 190mm rods: 2
4-way connectors: 12
2-way Ladder-connectors: 1
Extra Long Big air ball tower Orange Rails: 2
Total: 17 Pieces
Plinko Bridge
Parts list: Plinko Bridge Element
Metallic Green 128mm rods: 5
Blue 54mm rods: 48
White 32mm rods: 96
Green 16mm rods: 116
7-way 3D-connectors: 44
5-way connectors: 18
4-way 3D-connectors: 50
4-way connectors: 2
3-way connectors: 8
Total: 387 Pieces
Pot Hole
Parts list: Pot Hole
Red 128mm rods: 4
Blue 54mm rods: 7
White 32mm rods: 32
Green 16mm rods: 19
Grey Spacers: 4
Light Blue spacers: 12
8-way connectors: 4
7-way 3D-connectors: 4
5-way connectors: 5
4-way 3D-connectors: 16
4-way connectors: 8
3-way connectors: 4
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 4
Mega Tires: 2
Total: 125 Pieces
Quad-Ball Dropper
Parts list: Quad-Ball Dropper
Grey 190mm rods: 4
Beige 128mm Rigid rods: 2
Grey 86mm rods: 3
Blue 54mm rods: 6
White 32mm rods: 14
Green 16mm rods: 13
Grey Spacers: 6
Light Blue spacers: 4
Rod End Caps (Round): 2
8-way connectors: 2
4-way 3D-connectors: 8
4-way connectors: 5
3-way connectors: 6
2-way connectors: 11
2-way Ladder-connectors: 5
Tan lock clips: 5
Rod End clips: 3
Large Tires: 2
Large Pulleys: 2
Small Tires: 2
Small Pulleys: 2
Total: 107 Pieces
Quad-Ball Dropper V2
Parts list: Quad-Ball Dropper V2
Black 190mm Rigid rods: 2
Red 128mm rods: 5
Yellow 86mm rods: 3
Blue 54mm rods: 24
White 32mm rods: 34
Green 16mm rods: 39
Light Blue spacers: 5
Rod End Caps (Round): 1
8-way connectors: 4
5-way connectors: 29
4-way 3D-connectors: 16
3-way connectors: 25
2-way connectors: 4
2-way Ladder-connectors: 5
1-way connectors: 8
Rod End clips: 4
Socket Clips: 2
Large Tires: 2
Large Pulleys: 2
Small Tires: 1
Small Pulleys: 5
Total: 215 Pieces
Repeating Lever
Parts list: Repeating lever
Red 128mm rods: 13
Yellow 86mm rods: 38
Blue 54mm rods: 91
White 32mm rods: 9
Green 16mm rods: 36
8-way connectors: 2
7-way 3D-connectors: 5
5-way connectors: 40
4-way 3D-connectors: 47
4-way connectors: 16
3-way connectors: 9
2-way Ladder-connectors: 28
1-way connectors: 36
Rod End clips: 12
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 2
Small Tires: 2
Small Pulleys: 2
Total: 388 Pieces
Rotating Segments
Parts list: Rotating Segments
Standard Motors: 1
Custom 3D Printed Large gears: 4
Grey 14 Teeth Small gears: 4
Blue 14 Teeth Small gears: 1
Red 128mm rods: 11
Yellow 86mm rods: 37
Blue 54mm rods: 66
White 32mm rods: 37
Green 16mm rods: 77
Grey Spacers: 14
Light Blue spacers: 37
Rod End Caps (Round): 2
8-way connectors: 12
7-way 3D-connectors: 12
5-way connectors: 52
4-way 3D-connectors: 8
4-way connectors: 24
3-way connectors: 30
2-way connectors: 2
1-way connectors: 73
Tan lock clips: 2
Metallic Blue clips: 2
Total: 508 Pieces
Saw Spinner
Parts list: Saw Spinner
Blue 54mm rods: 8
White 32mm rods: 16
Green 16mm rods: 16
8-way connectors: 2
4-way connectors: 16
Total: 58 Pieces
Spiral Plinko Tower
Parts list: Spiral Plinko Tower
Yellow 86mm rods: 148
Blue 54mm rods: 8
White 32mm rods: 120
Grey Spacers: 4
Light Blue spacers: 28
8-way connectors: 7
7-way 3D-connectors: 40
5-way connectors: 4
4-way 3D-connectors: 72
Total: 431 Pieces
Spiral Stair Case
Parts list: Spiral Stair Case
Grey 190mm rods: 2
190mm Flexible Rods: 5
86mm Flexible rods: 1
Blue 54mm rods: 54
54mm Flexible rods: 5
7-way 3D-connectors: 2
4-way 3D-connectors: 2
3-way connectors: 54
1-way connectors: 105
Total: 230 Pieces
Swapping Chain Bridge
Parts list: Swapping Chain Bridge
Red 128mm rods: 4
Golden 128mm rods: 3
Yellow 86mm rods: 11
Blue 54mm rods: 34
White 32mm rods: 4
Green 16mm rods: 2
Grey Spacers: 1
Light Blue spacers: 3
5-way connectors: 1
4-way 3D-connectors: 30
4-way connectors: 3
3-way connectors: 6
2-way connectors: 11
2-way Ladder-connectors: 2
1-way connectors: 10
Rod End clips: 4
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 1
Ball Halves: 2
Chain Links: 48
Total: 179 Pieces
Thin Bridge
Parts list: Thin Bridge
Grey 190mm rods: 2
Green 16mm rods: 2
5-way connectors: 4
2-way connectors: 2
2-way Ladder-connectors: 12
1-way connectors: 26
Total: 48 Pieces
Tilted Pannels
Parts list: Tilted Panels
Red 128mm rods: 57
Yellow 86mm rods: 4
Blue 54mm rods: 7
White 32mm rods: 35
Grey Spacers: 4
Light Blue spacers: 10
Rod End Caps (Flat): 6
7-way 3D-connectors: 23
4-way 3D-connectors: 41
4-way connectors: 2
3-way connectors: 28
2-way connectors: 2
1-way connectors: 2
128mm x 128mm Triangle Panels: 6
Total: 227 Pieces
Tilting Bowl
Parts list: Tilting Bowl
Red 128mm rods: 23
Beige 128mm Rigid rods: 2
Yellow 86mm rods: 29
Blue 54mm rods: 20
White 32mm rods: 33
Green 16mm rods: 34
Light Blue spacers: 29
Rod End Caps (Round): 1
8-way connectors: 10
7-way 3D-connectors: 5
5-way connectors: 10
4-way 3D-connectors: 26
4-way connectors: 10
3-way connectors: 20
2-way Ladder-connectors: 13
1-way connectors: 5
Tan lock clips: 6
Rod End clips: 12
Mega Wheels: 1
Medium Tires: 5
Large Pulleys: 4
Large Wheels: 1
Small Tires: 5
Small Pulleys: 5
Total: 309 Pieces
Tire Drop
Parts list: Tire Drop
Red 128mm rods: 9
Yellow 86mm rods: 20
Blue 54mm rods: 92
White 32mm rods: 28
Green 16mm rods: 22
7-way 3D-connectors: 19 (Varies With Direction)
5-way connectors: 20
4-way 3D-connectors: 61 (Varies With Direction)
4-way connectors: 4
3-way connectors: 36
1-way connectors: 90
Large Tires: 9
Total: 410 Pieces
Tire Tunnel
Parts list: Tire Tunnel
Grey 190mm rods:
6 Green 16mm rods: 4
5-way connectors: 4
3-way connectors: 4
2-way Ladder-connectors: 4
Rod End clips: 8
Ball Clips: 4
Large Flat Tires: 6
Total: 40 Pieces
Parts list: Trampolines
Grey 190mm rods: 4
Red 128mm rods: 8
Blue 54mm rods: 42
White 32mm rods: 28
Green 16mm rods: 120
8-way connectors: 2
5-way connectors: 12
4-way connectors: 124
1-way connectors: 60
Medium Rubber bands: 31
Total: 431 Pieces
Parts list: Trapdoor
Red 128mm rods: 6
Yellow 86mm rods: 11
Blue 54mm rods: 6
White 32mm rods: 4
Green 16mm rods: 4
Grey Spacers: 1
Light Blue spacers: 2
7-way 3D-connectors: 1
5-way connectors: 5
4-way 3D-connectors: 11
4-way connectors: 2
3-way connectors: 18
2-way Ladder-connectors: 2
54mm x 54mm Square Panels: 1
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 1
Small Tires: 6
Small Pulleys: 6
Total: 87 Pieces
Tubing Spiral
Parts list: Tubing Spiral
Orange 190mm rods: 8
Metallic Green 128mm rods: 4
Yellow/grey 86mm rods: 14
Blue 54mm rods: 28
54mm Flexible rods: 1
White 32mm rods: 16
Green 16mm rods: 4
7-way 3D-connectors: 4
5-way connectors: 8
4-way 3D-connectors: 12
4-way connectors: 8
3-way connectors: 4
2-way Ladder-connectors: 8
1-way connectors: 4
Rod End clips: 5
Ball Clips: 4
Socket Clips: 4
Large Tires: 1
Strands Of Tubing: 1
Golden 5 Way track Connectors: 46
Golden Track Splice Clips: 3
Total: 187 Pieces
Tumble Wheels
Parts list: Tumble Wheels
Red 128mm rods: 8
Yellow 86mm rods: 3
Blue 54mm rods: 71
White 32mm rods: 84
Green 16mm rods: 8
Grey Spacers: 16
Light Blue spacers: 32
8-way connectors: 1
7-way 3D-connectors: 24
5-way connectors: 10
4-way 3D-connectors: 65
4-way connectors: 8
3-way connectors: 4
2-way connectors: 2
2-way Ladder-connectors: 8
Tan lock clips: 17
86mm x 86mm Triangle Panels: 1
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 7
Large Wheels: 8
Small Tires: 3
Small Pulleys: 3
Small Flat Tires: 5
Small Wheels: 5
Total: 393 Pieces
Zig-Zag Chute
Parts list: Zig-Zag Chute
Grey 190mm rods: 2
Golden 128mm rods: 2
Yellow 86mm rods: 11
Blue 54mm rods: 23
White 32mm rods:
18 Green 16mm rods: 1
8-way connectors: 3
7-way 3D-connectors: 4
5-way connectors: 3
4-way 3D-connectors: 29
3-way connectors: 2
2-way connectors: 4
Metallic Blue clips: 1
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 6
Big air ball tower Chute Components: 3
Total: 112 Pieces
Additional Information About Factorial
Factorial Ball machine Piece count
12V Electric Motors: 2
12V Electric Motor Adapters: 2
Tethered Motors: 2
Standard Motors: 4
Modified RR Boosters: 1
Custom 3D Printed Large gears: 4
Black 82 Teeth Large gears: 1
Yellow 82 Teeth Large gears: 7
yellow 34 Teeth Medium gears: 11
Red 34 Teeth Medium gears: 30
Grey 14 Teeth Small gears: 13
Blue 14 Teeth Small gears: 13
White Worm Gears: 2
Micro Chain Sprockets: 2
Grey/orange 190mm rods: 642
Black 190mm Rigid rods: 26
190mm Flexible rods: 178
Red 128mm rods: 1179.5
Metallic Green 128mm rods: 399
Golden 128mm rods: 131
Beige 128mm Rigid rods: 15
Yellow/grey 86mm rods: 2139
86mm Flexible rods: 37
Blue 54mm rods: 3590
54mm Flexible rods: 31
White/Grey/Black 32mm rods: 2937
32mm Flexible rods: 55
Green/Black 16mm rods: 3630
Grey Spacers: 478
Light Blue spacers: 991
Rod End Caps (Round): 28
Rod End Caps (Flat): 9
8-way connectors: 671
7-way 3D-connectors: 1262
5-way connectors: 1663
4-way 3D-connectors: 2533
4-way connectors: 1406
3-way connectors: 1401
2-way connectors: 467
2-way Ladder-connectors: 899
1-way connectors: 1409
Tan lock clips: 315
Metallic Blue clips: 88
Rod End clips: 439
Ball Clips: 136
Socket Clips: 97
Male Hinge clips: 21
Female Hinge clips: 27
Reinforced Ball Clips: 4
Reinforced Socket Clips: 4
Rare Orange Angle Clips: 31
128mm x 128mm Square Panels: 6
128mm x 128mm Triangle Panels: 6
86mm x 86mm Square Panels: 2
86mm x 86mm Triangle Panels: 31
54mm x 54mm Square Panels: 13
54mm x 54mm Triangle Panels: 58
32mm x 32mm Square Panels: 6
32mm x 32mm Triangle Panels: 51
Large Wide Motorcycle wheels: 1
Mega Tires: 2
Mega Wheels: 1
Large Tires: 24
Large Tires (Hollow): 2
Medium Tires: 21
Large Pulleys: 41
Large Flat Tires: 6
Large Wheels: 9
Small Tires: 38
Small Pulleys: 68
Small Flat Tires: 5
Small Wheels: 5
Large Rubber Bands: 8
Medium Rubber Bands: 31
Thin Rubber bands: 2
Chain Links: 457
Micro Chain Links: 41
Big Ball Factory ball Halves: 20
Extra Long Big air ball tower Orange Rails: 2
Big air ball tower Basket: 1
Big air ball tower Flexible Tubes: 3
Big air ball tower Flexible Tube clamps: 5
Big air ball tower Long Unnotched Tubes: 1
Big air ball tower Unnotched Tube clamps: 1
Big air ball tower Long Notched Tubes: 3
Big air ball tower Short Notched Tubes: 1
Big air ball tower Notched Tube Connectors: 4
Big air ball tower Notched Exit Tubes: 1
Big air ball tower Chute Components: 3
Excavator Pieces: 1
??? Rectangular parts: 4
Cross Ties: 266
Golden 5 Way track Connectors: 598
Golden Track Splice Clips: 77
Strands Of Purple Tubing: 5 (Approx. 46 ft.)
Strands Of Pink Tubing: 27 (Approx. 39 ft.)
Strands Of Clear Tubing [Custom]: 16 (Approx. 83 ft.)
Strands Of Yellow Tubing: 1 (Approx. 4.5 ft.)
Strands Of Golden Tubing: 8 (Approx. 30 ft.)
Purple Track Splices: 3
Total: 31,423.5 Pieces