FairPhone 1 Case
The design is a maximal simple FairPhone 1 casing.
-There are no holes in the buttom part which is covered by the aluminium casing, so you can remove the aluminium casing of the FairPhone and thus economize weight!!!
-Print it with flex material, then sandpaper it to obtain a soft surface.
-Presss the buttoms right through the casing!!!
-It has a flat bottom to avoid wobbling.
Happy Printing! Happy FairPhoning!
3D-print the FairPhone 1 Case
The design is a maximal simple FairPhone 1 casing.
-There are no holes in the buttom part which is covered by the aluminium casing, so you can remove the aluminium casing of the FairPhone and thus economize weight!!!
-Print it with flexible PLA material, then sandpaper it to obtain a soft surface.
-Presss the buttoms right through the casing!!!
-It has a flat bottom to avoid wobbling.
Happy FairPhoning!
First step:
Choose a flexible PLA material, and 3D-print the case.
Sandpaper the 3d-printed Casing
Sandaper the outer part with a fine grain sandpaper to obtain a soft and smooth surface.
The inner part of the print has only to be cleaned a bit, in case there are irregularities in the print.
Remove Aluminium Casing of the FairPhone
To economize weight, with this case design you don`t need the aluminium casing.
Remove the aluminium casing on the backside of the phone, and slip the phone in the casing.
Done! Happy Fairphoning!