Feeding Johnny
By Ali Shokri, Chia Yen Wu & Sai Praneeth Singu.
This project was done as part of a useless machine assignment for the ITECH Programme
Johnny is your hungry and greedy four wheeled robot. Everytime it finds people or obstacles, it turns around and opens its box (mouth). Then you have to feed it money (coins). Then it closes and goes away in search of other people.
Arduino Uno
USB Cable
Motor Driver shield L293D
Jumper Wires
AA Batteries (x 4)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
Piezo Capsule
Motor Related:
DC Motors 6V (x 4)
Micro Servo SG-90 ( x 2)
LED Light ( x 2)
Plastic tyre wheels ( x 4)
Firstly, we imagine what our robot should look like in the final stage based on its functionality.Then we design each component according to the dimensions of electrical elements like breadboard, Uno and the length of wires. In order to do that we Cut some plywood pieces of 1 inch thickness as shown in the images below.
The 1st part is the base frame which is (17*20) cm2. It is connected with two side walls & one back wall. They are glued together to the base frame. They are permanent connections. We also have the partition wall between the uno & the box. There are two servo motor holders & a coin deposit plate. Also there are two servo motor holders, one for the head & the other for the box.
Now, there's a cap made out of 3 pieces & is connected to the side walls through means of dowels. as shown in the fig.
Assemble Motors & Battery Holder
On the bottom of the base plate, first we will glue the 4 dc motors on the edges with a glue gun. Then we put 4 AA batteries into the battery holder & stick it on the front. Then, we solder some wires to the motors so that we have a secure connection. The two servos are mounted on their respective platforms. the servo inside the box is given an extension by a pvc pipe which helps to open the box
Motor Connections
Next, we connect the motor driver shield onto the uno board & fix it on the plate by means of a double sided tape. Now, plug the 4 dc motors, 2 servo motors into the allocated slots. We also put the ultrasonic sensor into a holder and onto the 1st servo.
Circuit Diagram
Each connection in the diagram is explained as following:
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
Vcc pin: connected to Motor Driver shield 5V
Trigger pin: connected to Motor Driver shield A2
Echo pin: connected to Motor Driver shield A1
Ground pin: connected to Motor Driver shield GND
Piezo Capsule
Pin1: connected to Breadboard VCC
Pin2: connected to Breadboard GND and Motor Driver shield A3
Micro Servo SG-90
Signal pin: connected to Motor Driver shield Servo Terminal 1 (pin 9)
Power pin: connected to Motor Driver shield 5V
Ground pin: connected to Motor Driver shield GND
Signal pin: connected to Motor Driver shield Servo Terminal 2 (pin 10)
Power pin: connected to Motor Driver shield 5V
Ground pin: connected to Motor Driver shield GND
DC Motors
DC Motor1: connected to Motor Driver shield M1
DC Motor2: connected to Motor Driver shield M2
DC Motor3: connected to Motor Driver shield M3
DC Motor4: connected to Motor Driver shield M4
Piezo & Led Circuit
The breadboard is placed inside the box & the Piezo capsule along with 2 led's are connected to the motor shield using breadboard. The 2 led's are put into the holes on the back wall & they show if the robot is moving or not.
Code & Working
Mount the wheels to the motor. Upload the code by connecting the Usb to the Uno port. Now power the Motor shield with the AA batteries & the Arduino with the help of a Power Bank. The 4 dc motors start rotating & the robot moves forward until the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle within it's range. When it does, the motors stop rotating for 2 seconds. Then the motors rotate backwards for 2 seconds & the robot turns 180 degrees. then the 2nd servo actuates & the box opens. Now feed Johnny with coins through the coin collector below the box. As soon as the coin hits the floor, the piezo detects the vibration & the servo actuates to close the box. Johnny goes to find a new feeder
Congratualtions. You have made your own Johnny which is both hungry & greedy. Thanks for following through.