Fire Starter
This is an awesome fire starter!
Egg Carton
Dryer lint
Candle or bees wax
A pot
Cut the egg carton into fours, twos, or ones.
Turn on your stove and put the wax into the pot.
Melt the wax until it’s completely liquefied.
The Lint
Stuff the cartons full with the dryer lint.
The cartons must be FULL the with the lint.
Then you dip the egg cartons filled with the lint into the heated and liquefied wax.
Make sure you completely cover the hole carton in wax.
Don't burn yourself!
The Drying
Than you take them out of the wax.
After you leave them out to dry.
You will know there dry when they become hard.
Next you can break one off if you made them into four or two and then light it.
Once you add your wood you will soon have a warming fire.