Fire Vortex
a fire vortex made out of a can
Get Materials
Steel can
rotary tool with cut off disk
rubbing alcohol
Steel can
rotary tool with cut off disk
rubbing alcohol
Remove Label and Glue
remove label and scrape glue off
Use ruler to make line from top ridges to bottom ridges
repeat three to four times spaced evenly over can
add lines horizontally at the ends of each line
repeat three to four times spaced evenly over can
add lines horizontally at the ends of each line
use rotary tool and cut along the lines wear ear and eye protection
bend each flap like the picture
put any kind of alcohol in the bottom, light on fire. WARNING a few seconds after you light it, it will get too hot to touch, chances are that the can you use has a coating on it, it will burn, burn only outside or in well ventilated areas
Back Story
This started out as a mist vortex in a soda can. It was cut the same way, and had a computer fan on top with the minimum amount of voltage to spin slowly enough to get a small vortex going. I was using a candle under neath it to heat up glycerin to produce smoke. the glycerin caught fire and it made a fire vortex but it melted the fan and kept burning in a vortex till the soda can melted. I got a bigger tomato sauce can and made the instructable. It works because the fire requires oxygen and sucks it in through the sits and comes in at an angle. Be sure to vote for me in t he metal contest!!