Fixing Gateway MX Series Laptop... With a Paperclip
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Fixing Gateway MX Series Laptop... With a Paperclip
This instructable covers how to fix a broken MX series' barrel plug adapter. In the older Gateway laptops it is common for the center rod of the adapter to come out of the charging port. I show you how to fix it with a paper clip and some solder.
I assume no risk of you damaging your computer! Do this at your own discretion if you feel comfortable.
Things you will need:
-Phillips screwdriver
-Soldering gun and solder
-non-insulated paper clip
-appropriate size drill bit (this may vary)
-fingernail clippers (for clipping paper clip off as close as possible to the port)
I assume no risk of you damaging your computer! Do this at your own discretion if you feel comfortable.
Drill Through the Broken Port
Insert and Solder the Paperclip
Coat the end of the paperclip with solder just to make sure it is conductive and what not. Insert the paperclip into the newly drilled hole. You want the paperclip to go about a centimeter or two into the charging port. Once you have the paperclip in the right position, solder it to the middle contact. Use the fingernail clippers to clip off the excess. See pictures for more description.
Going backwards through the instructable may help with re-assembly.
That should be it!