Folding a Paper Heart
A fun and easy way to make Valentines for your friends!
1 square piece of paper
(in this example, we will be using a sticky note)
Gather Supplies
Begin by acquiring a piece of square paper. For this example, we will be using a sticky note.
Rotate Paper
Place the paper flat on the desk, in position so that it makes a diamond shape with the corners facing up and down.
Fold Paper
Fold the paper in half by bringing together the top and bottom corners.
Reopen Paper
Unfold the paper so it that it once again lays flat.
Fold Paper the Oposite Way
Bring the right corner to the left and crease, so that both creases intersect at the middle of the paper.
Reopen Paper
Unfold the paper so that it once again lays flat.
Create the Top Fold
Fold the top corner to the center of the paper and crease.
Create a Bottom Fold
Bring the bottom corner all the way to the top crease, so that the bottom is now overlapping the top, and fold.
Bring Edges Toward Center
Fold bottom left and right edges inwards until they meet in the center.
Make the Curves
Fold the top and side corners backwards to create more of a curved shape. Make sure to fold each side equally in order to make them symmetrical.
Decorate (optional) and Enjoy!