Fork Art
Hey Instructables! I am on March Break and have nothing to do, so yesterday I was searching around the site for an hour or so and I found a really interesting instructable! The instructable is "Fork Art" by shauna. It shows how to make a simple snail out of a fork, using just two pairs of pliers. I decided I would try this, seeing as we have tons of extra cutlery left over from when we welded metal flowers. I made 10 or so snails, and then decided that it was time for something a little more difficult. I looked up images of cutlery art on the web and found a Bassist. So I decided to see if I could make one. Unlike the snails, wich take about 10 minutes to make, the Bassist took upwards of half an hour! But in the end, it was worth it. I think I will keep it on a shelf somewhere, or give it to my grandmother to sell at one of her craft sales. If you enjoyed this instructable, please vote for me in the I Made It Photo Contest, and Rate! Thanks! :D
I ended up making a Violinist and a Flute player as well! I have a miniature Orchestra going on here! I think I will make a Guitarist next. The Violinist kept tipping over because his violin is so heavy, so I had to add a peice of plastic that I melted and bent into the right shape. The violin, like the bass, is removable, and so is the plastic base. The flute is clamped into the players hands.
Update #2:
I have now added a Guitarist and a Conductor. The Guitarist can hold his guitar two different ways, resting and playing, and the guitar is removable. The conductor's wand is clamped in his hand. Please vote for me in the I Made It Photo Contest, and in the Makerbot 3D Printer Contest! Thanks! :)
Update #3!
I added a second guitarist and a drummer today. The new guitarist is a gift for my grandmother, so he will not be staying very long, but the drummer is a keeper for me. The drum was really fun to make, and suprisingly not too difficult. I also made a snail that turned out really well. The shell is in a really tight spiral.
Please vote for me in the I Made It Photo Contest and the Makerbot Challenge! I could really use a 3D Printer!