Freddie the Robot Light
Hi, here I have a intricate light made out of black piping, which I have named Freddie. The light is made out of black piping and is wired to be able to use a light.
- 12 foot lamp cord
- pull chain socket
- groove joint clamp
- hammer
- smart Wi-Fi bulb
- screw driver
All pipes listed bellow are 3/4 inch:
- 6 close pipe
- 4 T pipes
- 5, 45 degree elbow pipes
- 5, 3-1/2inch pipe nipples
- 6, 90 degree elbow pipes
- 4, 2-1/2 inch pipe nipples
- 2, 4 inch pipe nipples
- 4 iron pipe cap
- 2, 3 inch pipe nipples
Making the Legs
- First connect one cap with one close pipe
- Then connect the piece to the 45 degree elbow
- Connect that to the 3-1/2 inch nipple
- Then connect to 90 degree elbow
- Then connect that to a 4inch nipple
- Then connect to 90 degree elbow
- Connect to 2-1/2inch nipple
- Then repeat all steps for second leg
Making the Back
- Connect both legs together with T-pipe
- Connect close pipe to top of T-pipe
- Now connect second T-pipe to it
- Run wire through opening in T-pipe
- Now Connect 3-1/2inch nipple to top of T-pipe
- Connect second T-pipe to nipple making sure to pull wire through
- Connect close pipe to top of T-pipe
- Then connect middle of T-pipe to it
Making the Neck
- Remember to pull cord through each pipe as you attach them for this part
- Attach close pipe to the back of the top T-pipe
- Connect 90 degree elbow pipe
- Connect close pipe
- Then connect 45 degree elbow pipe
- Finally connect wires to socket and glue socket to the last elbow pipe
Making the Arms
- Connect cap to 3 inch nipple
- Connect 40 degree elbow
- Then connect 3-1/2 inch nipple
- Connect 90 degree elbow
- Then connect the 2-1/2 inch nipple
- Then repeat all steps for second arm and attach arms to the top T-pipe
Now you can screw in the light bulb, and turn it on, and you have a cool robot light to display and show off.