From Cuttings to Plants
Following this method you may never have to buy another Coleus again.
The term I use is rooting, although there may be a correct term for it.
My wife Sheryl Pedersen was the inspiration and collaborator for this Instructable. I couldn't have done it without her.
You can see her Instructables at
Some cuttings from Coleus plants, some aluminum foil, a couple of glass jars, scissors, tap water.
How to Do the Cuttings
Cut a stem off of one of the plants you wish to root.
Trim off the lower leaves, so that you have a stem about 2 inches long.
Repeat for other Coleus that you wish to root.
Putting in Water
Fill your glass jar with water, cover with a piece of Aluminum foil.
Poke holes in foil for the number of cuttings that you have. If you have several cuttings you may need a second jar.
We used a cooking thermometer to poke the holes.
Insert one cutting in each hole, when all holes are filled put on a sunny window sill. (out of the way of cats) won't make that mistake again, cats thought they were getting fresh salad.
Wait two to three weeks, check occasionally that the water level is covering the roots.
After About Ten Days.
After about ten days you should see tiny roots shooting out.
After 22 Days
It took 22 days for the roots to be big enough to plant.
Planting the Cuttings
You'll need potting soil, cups or small pots to plant them in, a plastic tub to put the cups in.
You will need to put drainage holes in the cups if that is what your going to use, I drilled three holes in each one.
Fill the cups / pots about 3/4 full with potting soil.
Poke a hole with your finger about two inches deep into the potting soil, put one cutting in each hole and push soil around each plant. when you've planted all your cuttings, water soil and partially fill tub with water (about one inch deep).
Place tub in a sunny window or under grow lights. In about 4 to 5 weeks you should be able to plant in larger pots outside, depending on your growing season and no more chance of Frost.
What You Should End Up With.
The plants on the right of the photo were from cuttings taken last Fall, the plants on the left of the photo are from cuttings taken from the plants on the right side of the photo. The plant in the rear left of the photo is catnip I over wintered.