Funny Scarecrow
Browsing through some of the amazing instructables on this site, I came accross a similar instructable to this but it did not have any instructions on how to build it so I decided to make my own. Here are some easy instructions that I came up with in order to make my own funny Instructable. There is also train tracks behind my house so I decided to make this and put it in my backyard so all the morning and evening train commuters can view it as they pass by. Also note that this is my first instructable so the pictures and the text are one step behind. Sorry. RP
2-10ft ¾” PVC PIPE
1- Pair Old Shoes
Some Hay
1- Pair of old pants
1- Long Sleeve Shirt
1- Pair Gloves
2-9” Foam Pumpkins
Zip Ties
Cardboard Box
Staple Gun
Box Cutter
Clear Caulk
Sharpie Marker
Paint (for the pumpkin face)
Safety Pins
PVC Pipe Cutter
PVC Pipe Glue
6- 90 degree ¾” PVC Elbows
8-45 degree ¾” PVC Elbows
4- ¾” PVC T’s
1-Straw Hat
Step 1- Making the Legs
Cut the ¾” PVC pipe to the following amounts and lengths:
2-21” (legs)
2-14” (thighs)
(Note: It is up to you to decide whether you would like to
glue all the PVC connections or just the ones in the legs. I recommend using PVC glue for all connections as this makes the scarecrow stronger and more durable)
I am going to explain how to make one leg at a time but since the legs are the same these steps can be done at the same time or can be done once and then repeated.
Take one of the 9” pieces of PVC pipe and place a 90 degree elbow on one of the ends. Place a 3” piece of the PVC pipe in the other end of the 90 degree elbow so you now have this piece:
Now insert the other end of the 3” piece of PVC pipe into a
45 degree elbow and place the 21" piece in the other opening of the 45 degree elbow:
Place a 90 degree elbow on the other end of the 21” piece:
Place the 14” piece in the other end of the 90 degree elbow:
Place a 45 degree elbow on the other end of the 14” piece and place a 3” piece in the other end of the 45 degree elbow:
If you did these steps for just one leg you now repeat them
so you have two legs.
Step 2-Making the Pelvis
Cut the ¾” PVC pipe to the following amounts and lengths:
Take the 15” piece and place one of the ¾” PVC T’s on
each end:
Place a 3” piece in each end of the T’s like this:
Place a 90 degree elbow on each one of the other sides of
those 3” pieces:
Now place another 3” piece on each one of the 90 degree
elbow other ends:
Now place the 45 degree elbows on each of the other ends
of those 3” pieces:
Step 3-Making the Back and Neck
Cut the ¾” PVC pipe to the following amounts and lengths:
Starting from the neck down
Place a 3” piece of PVC pipe in one of the ¾” T’s:
Place the 15” piece in the T like this:
Place another T on the other end of the 15” piece and place
a 3” piece in each one of the remaining openings in each T (except for one):
Place a 45 degree elbow on the other end of each 3” piece (except for one):
Place a 20” piece in each one of the remaining 45 degree elbows:
Step 4-Assembly
Now you should be at a point where you have all pieces
looking like this:
Take the pelvis piece and each leg insert the 3” piece
sides into each remaining T openings:
Place each 20” pipe piece from the Back & Neck Step
into the 45 degree elbows on the pelvis:
Step 5-Decorating
Paint a smiling face on one of the 9” foam pumpkins:
Cut the other 9” foam pumpkin in half with a box cutter
(try and cut along the seam from the mold):
Glue the two foam pumpkin halves that you just cut to a
piece of cardboard using the clear caulk and let dry overnight. Zip ties this piece to the pelvis:
Cut a hole in the bottom of the painted foam pumpkin just
large enough to slide onto the PVC pipe used for the neck, and place the foam pumpkin on the neck:
Safety pin the gloves to the long sleeved shirt and stuff
the arms (I used old plastic grocery store bags but crumpled up newspaper can work too):
Put the shirt on the skeleton and button it up:
Using the staple gun, staple the collar of the shirt to
the pumpkin head:
Put the pants and the shoes on the skeleton (this might be easier if
you laid him down):
Stuff the shirt and pants to make the scarecrow look more
human (again I used plastic bags for this but newspaper will work too):
Grab some of the hay and use it to cover up areas of
exposed PVC pipe, cardboard, and stuffing. Place the hat on and add some hay to the outer rim of the