Refer to the picture of materials.
CDs-- 6 per array
Glue- Goop [r]. or any glue that is quick drying.
String-can be Nylon cord .I use 1.5mm stretch cord .for strength and ease of adhesion to glue.
Scissors -strong shears to cut plastic.
Heat source- floor space heater or any hair drier.
Cut 5 discs in half as shown in the pictures.
If a disc cannot be cut at room temperature it may need some coaxing by warming it up a little.
We use our space heater. Balance a disc at end of scissors and hold it in front of the heater for 15 to 30 seconds.It is now warm to the touch and can be handled easily and scissors cut easily.Lay the 2 halves aside and continue on the others. We used 5 discs but you can use as many as 10 on an array. We find 5 is easy to handle.
Array assemble on a table-First cut about 3 feet of cord and lay it down and tape both ends on a table.
Slip a half disc at one end centered close as possible and use a slip of tape at center and tape this down to keep the array straight. continue for remaining halves.Separate discs on string about 2 inches.
Glue the discs- Apply a generous glob at top and bottom and two side edges. Place second mating half over it on to the wet glue. Continue for all halves. Let dry one hour.
Cap- Top disc can be a non-cut disc if you wish. use as two back-to -back discs.
How to use-
Day time
Hang up the array in an open area where there is wind to move the spinning discs. This will generate a brilliant beatiful flashing burst of rainbow colors in the sun.
Night time- At night the discs will pick up any distant light as a garage or patio lightbulb and generate a beautiful burst of moving colors that will mesmerize you for hours as you sit in your favorite patio chair and look out into the darkness.Thousands of colorful fire-flies will light up the dark as the discs rotate in the breeze.
Location-Placing the array in the right place is important for daylight use.I hang the array West of my position to get the best sun ray reflections from day-break to about 3 pm. sun location. For PM some of the arrays are also placed more north of my patio position. For night time use a location that will catch any light relative to where you are sitting.Experimenting here will help.In no case should arrays be hung higher then 6 feet above the grass.
NOTES- CD discs have the astounding ability of a prism crystal in that their surfaces will break up white light into its rainbow of colors and further more the colors will change as the disc surface is rotated .
See also my CD insstructable "Valentines for loved ones 2-6-10 " cutting the discs info.